3 things that worked and 3 that didn't work well on Raw (07 May 2019)

What is Wild Card Rule?
What is Wild Card Rule?

#1 Didn't Work: The Revival Segment

The Revival is amongst the best team on the red brand, and despite their in-ring prowess, they are a part of the storyline that made them look like clowns. Although the two teams in this storyline are talented, and the storyline, will only evolve in the days to come, the company should have denied them being a part of such a segment.

A good battle of worlds and a fight backstage would be a better idea, and while we didn't see that this week, I hope that the company rights the wrong next week so that these two can fight it out between the ropes on the weekly as well as Money In The Bank pay-per-view.

It would be nice to see them elevate the division and the tag team titles in the process because they do deserve time to display their in-ring abilities.