5 biggest reasons why WWE can't leave the PG Era behind

Triple H, Vince, and Cena
Triple H, Vince, and Cena

#2 A large chunk of WWE's market consists of kids

WWE's primary demographic
WWE's primary demographic

Possibly the biggest plus of the PG Era is the fact that WWE became accessible to kids all across the world. Parents began taking their children to WWE shows without worrying about what they would end up seeing live. With kids, comes a huge opportunity to sell tons of merchandise and other WWE products such as championship belts, action figures, and other stuff.

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This was one of the major reasons why John Cena was toned down from the Dr. of Thugonomics to a good guy who could do no wrong. It resulted in him selling the highest amount of merch for years. The formula did hamper weekly ratings, but the merch sales and exposure made up for it. Leaving PG behind would mean alienating families and children, which would be a terrible business decision.