5 current WWE Superstars who received advice from The Undertaker

The Under
The Undertaker is a man of wise words

#4 Big Cass

Big Cass is a big fan of The Undertaker

You’d go a long way to find a better wrestling big man for Big Cass to try to emulate than the legendary Undertaker. The 7ft tall Raw superstar says he often studies old matches that "The Phenom" had earlier in his career.

Speaking on the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast in August 2017, Cass also described ‘Taker as “The Godfather” of the WWE locker room and said that, unlike some of his fellow superstars, he is not too intimidated by the 52-year-old to ask for his opinion.

“I feel like I have a good rapport with him and I try to talk to him as much as possible. When he's around, I try to pick his brain and just try to listen to what he thinks about what I'm doing and what other people are doing because he's The Undertaker."