5 hilarious WWE ribs performed by the king of pranks Owen Hart

Nobody was able to pull pranks in and out of the ring quite like the Rocket Owen Hart.
Nobody was able to pull pranks in and out of the ring quite like the Rocket Owen Hart.

#3: Gangrel and the ghost watch

Gangrel at the 2018 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony.
Gangrel at the 2018 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony.

If there was one word to describe Owen's pranks, it was commitment, and never was that truer than the story of Gangrel and the ghost watch. While the Vampiric Superstar was having a match, Owen spotted Gangrel's watch in his bag backstage and decided to take it. Whilst any other prankster would have kept it until the end of the show then return it, Owen was far from normal.

Instead, Owen kept hold of the watch the entire night as Gangrel searched for it furiously (with Owen's 'help'), and still didn't give it back. Months would pass before the WWF would return to the same arena, and during his victim's match months later, Owen simply replaced the watch in the bag. Confusing Gangrel who couldn't believe the watch was back, this prank proved that Owen was in a class of his own.