5 Surprises that could take place on WWE RAW before Elimination Chamber 2019

This may be a very exciting episode of WWE RAW
This may be a very exciting episode of WWE RAW

#3 Road Dogg turns on Jeff Jarrett against Elias

This turn could potentially make the feud more interesting
This turn could potentially make the feud more interesting

The WWE Universe has not really enjoyed the ongoing Jeff Jarrett vs. Elias feud as much as WWE believed they would, I suppose. Not even the addition of Road Dogg into the mix made the feud any more exciting.

There was a significant portion of the audience booing the Jeff Jarrett vs. Elias match last week. Rather than drop the program altogether, WWE could do well to well to have Road Dogg turn heel against Jarrett.

This would write Jarrett off television until he returns for another program, and introduce a manager for Elias who could potentially take him to the next level. If your argument is that Elias can talk, need I remind you that CM Punk and Heyman made a great team and so did Bockwinkel and Heenan?!

If nothing else, it'll make Elias' character feel fresh.

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