6 Greatest Triple Threat matches in WrestleMania history

WrestleMania has been host to a number of Triple Threat Matches
WrestleMania has been host to a number of Triple Threat Matches

#2 Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania 20

Image result for chris benoit vs triple h vs shawn michaels

For obvious reasons, this one isn't talked about much within the WWE anymore, but at the time, it was arguably the greatest bout in WrestleMania history. Benoit was the Royal Rumble winner but was constantly overlooked in the personal rivalry between The Game and The Heartbreak Kid, but on the night, he made sure that the entire world would stand up and take notice.

At the end of a bloody bout, The Rabid Wolverine came out on top, and 17 years of hard work was paid off, and he celebrated with his best friend Eddie Guerrero as the confetti fell. Obviously what happened was unfortunate, because of what happened and because this one deserves to be remembered as an all-time classic, but either way, this is one that the WWE Universe will look back on and enjoy every single time.