6 Greatest Triple Threat matches in WrestleMania history

WrestleMania has been host to a number of Triple Threat Matches
WrestleMania has been host to a number of Triple Threat Matches

#1 Daniel Bryan vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton - WrestleMania 30

Image result for daniel bryan vs randy orton vs batista wrestlemania 30

This one is arguably the greatest match in WrestleMania history, as it was the culmination of a 2-year story between Daniel Bryan and The Authority, and his improbable rise to the top of the WWE mountain. The match itself was an incredible story from start to finish, and there were points throughout where the fans genuinely thought Bryan was done, but he fought through and made Batista tap with his famous 'Yes Lock'.

Michael Cole screamed: "The Miracle on Bourbon Street" as Bryan celebrated with 70,000 fans in the Super Dome, and it's enough to give anyone in the WWE Universe goosebumps all over their body. This type of atmosphere and utter crowd support has happened only a handful of times in WWE history, so don't expect it again anytime soon, and it's on we'll look back on in 50 years and consider one of the best moments in wrestling history.