Best and worst of Impact Wrestling - Major heel turn, legend returns as guest referee

This week of Impact Wrestling, had more negatives than positives
This week of Impact Wrestling, had more negatives than positives

#2 Worst: Rosemary potentially going heel

It's impossible to describe just how popular Rosemary is. I mean I've interviewed the top stars in WWE as well, but when I upload an interview with Rosemary, you have all so many 'Hivelings' retweet the piece that it's a real sight to behold. And yes, I've interviewed the likes of Jake The Snake Roberts and RVD, and they don't get the traction that Rosemary does online.

So, while she may not have become a conventional heel, it is clear that she's the heel in this feud. She lay the first shot on Kiera Hogan. Rosemary has a much sturdier physique than she used to, and I'm guessing she's going to be working a more power based style than before.

But there is no way that the audience will cheer for Hogan over Rosemary. So, I don't know if it's the right move to have Hogan be the babyface in this feud.

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