Dean Ambrose’s heel turn: good or bad?

Dean Ambrose's heel tun was big news. But was it the right move?
Dean Ambrose's heel
was big news. But was it the right move?

#3 Good: Ambrose’s slate of opponents

Fresh opponents like Finn Balor await heel Dean Ambrose.
Fresh opponents like Finn Balor await heel Dean Ambrose.

While Dean Ambrose debuted on the main roster as a heel when he was the de facto leader of the original Shield, in the aftermath, he spent the entirety of his singles run and both Shield reunions as a face. At first, he felt like a revelation in that role, as a madman who might have more easily been cast as a heel and given how hard he was clearly willing to work to justify his face push.

As time went on, though, Ambrose grew stale out of a combination of sheer longevity, questionable booking, and arguably Ambrose not coming across as entirely motivated.

Every star in every persona has some sort of shelf life. This heel turn opens the door for Ambrose to work opposite faces it didn’t previously make sense to book him against like Finn Balor. Additionally, it will allow him to revisit past opponents like Rollins and Elias with a fresh dynamic for the reversal of face-heel orientations.

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