Wrestling veteran on why Triple H isn't using multi-time WWE champion on TV

Triple H hasn
Triple H is the head of WWE's creative department.

Triple H's new WWE regime took away the spotlight from some stars heavily featured under Vince McMahon's regime. Wrestling veteran Konnan recently spoke about a popular star not being used on weekly television.

The pandemic was a difficult time for professional wrestling across the globe, as companies were struggling to produce content. However, several notable names from WWE rose to the occasion and became the highlights of their shows. One such name was MVP, the mouthpiece of The Hurt Business, on WWE RAW.

Speaking on Keepin' It 100, Konnan gave his two cents on why the new regime has not used the former United States and Tag Team Champion similarly to what the old regime did on Monday Night RAW.

"I wonder if backstage he said something that was on his mind, which I doubt because I would think he'd be smart enough now to understand being given a second chance, and he's doing good. I wonder if he mouthed off or said the wrong thing. I thought he was great on TV, and it doesn't matter who you put him with. He knows how to get them over. He looks like a professional," said Konnan. [From 01:53 to 02:14]

The veteran also stated that, apart from MVP possibly saying the wrong thing behind the scenes, the star has been on the road with Omos but not on TV.

"Let me tell you, what's weird? I saw him with Omos on house shows. So, they were still using him. I wonder why they weren't using him on TV if they already had them on the road," said Konnan. [From 02:53 to 03:04]

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MVP comments on a potential return to the ring amidst WWE hiatus

A few years ago, MVP received a second chance at redemption when the star returned to WWE. After a sporadic appearance, Porter signed with the company and played an essential role in helping Bobby Lashley reach his full potential.

Unfortunately, the star hasn't wrestled frequently under Triple H's regime. MVP recently shared an update on Instagram regarding a potential return to the ring during his hiatus from WWE.

"I want to wrestle a bit more before I hang them up for good," wrote MVP.

The star has been with Omos for a while, and it'll be interesting to see what the promotion does next with the duo.

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