2 ways Roman Reigns is better than John Cena as WWE's top guy and 2 ways he isn't

John Cena and Roman Reigns have been two of WWE's top dogs
John Cena and Roman Reigns have been two of WWE's top dogs

There is no doubt that for the last many years, Roman Reigns has been the face of WWE. Reigns took over the company's poster boy mantle from none other than John Cena.

Cena is rightfully called The Franchise Player, having been the face of WWE for a long time before Reigns. He held down the fort for well over a decade and took on all comers during his time as an active competitor. Both The Champ and The Tribal Chief are united in facing backlash from fans for their status as the company's top dog.

Given that they hail from different eras, a comparison between them is inevitable. We have done it with Hulk Hogan and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, and we will do it for their successor. As such, we present two reasons why Roman Reigns is better than John Cena as WWE's top guy and two reasons why he isn't.

#4 Why Roman Reigns is better than John Cena as WWE's top guy: He has done it as a face and as a heel

Reigns has been at the top as a good guy and as a bad one
Reigns has been at the top as a good guy and as a bad one

Unlike John Cena, whose entire run as the face of the company came as, well, a face, Roman Reigns did it as a face and is currently doing it as a heel. He has done it as two separate versions of his character, as opposed to Cena's one.

Reigns has excelled as The Head of the Table and held his own as The Big Dog. The multi-dimensional approach he has followed in his career is praiseworthy, perhaps more so than the The Face that Runs the Place.

#3 Why Cena is better than Reigns as WWE's top guy: He has had the same unwavering fanbase

Cena has persisted with his principles for years
Cena has persisted with his principles for years

The flip side of the previous argument is that the minute Roman Reigns turned heel, the demographic of his fanbase changed. You could even go so far as to say that the number probably dropped after his villainous side emerged.

John Cena, on the other hand, has had the same loyal fanbase since he assumed the role of the face of the company. Kids and parents love him and have backed him from the start. Even today, these sections of the WWE Universe cheer him on relentlessly.

One could say that if you have to be the face of the company, your actions should make your most ardent supporters stand by you throughout. That is something Cena has done and Reigns hasn't.

#2 Why Reigns is better than Cena as WWE's top guy: He is a better in-ring worker


We are not taking anything away from John Cena, who is a solid in-ring worker and has really upped his game since the last couple of years. However, Roman Reigns is probably the better out-and-out wrestler, boasting better technique and a flashier moveset.

What sets Reigns apart from Cena is that he has shown he can elevate his opponents more consistently than the latter. In addition to that, like The Champ, any fight where The Guy is involved tends to be that much bigger. These are traits a good face of the company should have, and Reigns has it in greater amounts than Cena.

#1 Why Cena is better than Reigns as WWE's top guy: Cena hasn't had any factions and the like helping him win


John Cena has always been a man of principle and class in the ring. He fights his battles alone and honorably and gives it his 100% from bell to bell. The same cannot be said for Roman Reigns these days, who resorts to tricks and calling on The Bloodline to help him win.

Before his run as The Tribal Chief, Reigns was just like Cena and was someone who couldn't be faulted for his methods. However, his heel turn saw him shun that for a 'do anything to win' approach. Without his tricks, he wouldn't have held on to his title for as long as he has.

The Champ is a champion of the people (sorry, Rock) and has a spotless record when it comes to winning cleanly. That makes him a better face of the company than The Head of the Table, who has gone to the dark side with his cheap antics and villain behavior.

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