The Shield: How do the members align on the podium? Who really was the alpha member?

The Shield
The Shield


All three enjoyed success within the company whether with each other or as an individual but when the positioning on the podium is brought into the discussion, then there is one man who takes the top spot and that is Seth 'Freaking' Rollins.

Rollins is a multiple time world champion and his in-ring prowess is the reason why he edges out his Shield brothers. Seth has been vital to WWE's plans and it is his passion that we all dearly admire.

Rollins is closely followed by Roman Reigns who marginally missed out on the top position. Reigns has had more success than his former Shield allies but when it comes to the overall evaluation, the big dog seems to lack a few things.

And finally we have Dean Ambrose sitting on 3rd, but this doesn't undermine Dean's potential as he has often blessed us with great intensity and dedication.

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