What if Roman Reigns takes on The Rock at WrestleMania 35?

The Rock and Roman Reigns was rumored earlier; with Reigns back in action, what if it does happen at WrestleMania 35?
The Rock and Roman Reigns was rumored earlier; with Reigns back in action, what if it does happen at WrestleMania 35?

#4 Reigns wins

Roman Reigns isn't losing at WrestleMania 35.
Roman Reigns isn't losing at WrestleMania 35.

At WrestleMania 28, The Rock pulled off a bit of an upset when he beat John Cena. It wasn’t so much an upset based on talent or star power, as the prevailing theory that The Brahma Bull was there primarily to put over Cena. At the time, most fans didn’t expect that this was just the first chapter in their story, and they’d square off again the following year.

As Rock’s acting career only gets busier, and as the man himself doesn’t get any younger, it’s less and less likely he’ll be on board for multi-year storylines. If Rock were to wrestle at WrestleMania 35, it’s safe to assume it’s a one-off and so he would be putting over Reigns right then and there.

To improve matters, with the momentum of his return, this is a rare moment when fans would not only accept, but welcome Reigns defeating The Great One cleanly in a one on one match.

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