5 Extreme gimmick matches that WWE should bring back

Edge and Mick Foley’s hardcore match at Wrestlemania 22 is an all-time classic (Courtesy WWE)

4: Casket Match

The Undertaker is closely associated with the casket match (Courtesy WWE)

The casket match is the first of two match types associated with The Undertaker that have made their way to this list. The first casket match took place between The Undertaker and Kamala all the way back in 1992. Casket matches are really dangerous, especially owing to the sharp unprotected edge of said casket. Just ask Shawn Michaels, who suffered an almost career ending back injury during a casket match with The Undertaker.

Although casket matches have taken place in recent years in WWE, they just haven’t had the same level of brutality as the previous matches. Lucha Underground’s casket match between Fenix and Mil Muertes on the other hand was a thing of brutal beauty. To people who haven’t seen that match, I highly recommend it. It shows how WWE should do casket matches.

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