NXT is on its way to become a brand in itself given how great the writing is and how great the performances turn out to be. It is one of the best things happening in the wrestling industry. Because it is small in stature to the main roster, the performers atNXT get the opportunity to have enough screentime and meaningful storylines. And at the helm of its programming is the man who is now the new NXT Champion. Triple H, Seth Rollins and Stephanie McMahon may be doing a great job at being the heels of their premier shows but Owens is carving niche for himself in the most effective way possible. He may be the closest performer who has come to epitomize what a heel should be wrestling.Here are five reasons why-
#5 He\'s relentless
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Kevin Owens, ever since he debuted, showcased why he’s relentless. He bulldoozed over CJ Parker and despite a bloody nose, provided the start that NXT Takeover needed to be onits way to become the best show WWE churned out last year. And then the final moment of the night that may last the test of time was him turning heel in the most spectacular way possible after what was the crescendo moment of the year with Zayn’s long impending incarnation as Champion. He delivered a vicious powerbomb to render Zayn unconscious.
The way he won his championship came after his continuous powerbombs to Zayn, who didn’t give up but he looked injured enough for the officials to end the match. Owens stood tall in the ring, without a shadow of a bruise, much like Lesnar after he won at Summerslam over Cena. But this was way more disturbing to watch even for the most hardcore fan.
#4 Simple yet Significant
Owens’ simple reasoning for every action of his is that he is a provider in his family and it’s his duty to do whatever it takes to have a better future for his kids. That’s a simple and typical tactic anyone and everyone with a family has used in the WWE but Owens’ is one of the few who makes it work as a logical reason.
He betrayed his friend and went on to end his career, not just win but end his career, to get the most for his family? That just makes him more unsympathetic and look more like a psychopath. Such heel-ness!
#3 The History
Being an Independent wrestler, obviously gives Owens an already existent reputation in the wrestling industry and that gets the hardcore fans’ attention. That makes the biggest critiques of the WWE take Owens seriously because the man has paid his dues to get to the biggest wrestling company in the world. His journey speaks a lot for him to appear credible to the fans who are the most ardent WWE fans.
It was also his history that made fans believe that Zayn and Owens were friends and it was his history that made his betrayal seem logical- why was he not called up to the WWE around the same time Zayn was? That’s jealousy- a cardinal heel trait.
#2 Sami Zayn
Every great hero needs a great villain. Owens’ won’t have been such a force to be reckoned with if he didn’t have an actually tremendously popular, sympathetic babyface as his fiercest opponent.
The fact that he was Zayn’s friend- a man he trusted- gives him even more feul as a thriving heel. It brings to the fore what his betrayal cost a friendship and brotherhood storylines if executed properly get the audience’s emotional investment.
#1 The Booking
The biggest diference between the main roster and NXT is the booking. Given that NXT is a small place compared to the extravagant main roster, it gives more room for freedom in terms of storylines.
Owens has been booked like an unstoppable demon. He’s much like Lesnar on the main roster but his scars are more psychological, even when they are physical as well. He betrayed a friedn and he’s doing everything he can to end not only his career but him.
On the recent NXT episode, he pinned Adrian Neville and appeared to look unscarred as he stood tall in the ring.