WWE History Vol. 21: The Craziest Characters 

The Berserker didn't give anyone the Viking Experience during his run with the WWE.
The Berserker didn't give anyone the Viking Experience during his run with the WWE.

#5 Santino Marella

Santino Marella and his deadly COBRA
Santino Marella and his deadly COBRA

Real Name: Anthony Carelli

Years Active: 2003-2016 (with the occasional appearance since)

Major Titles Held: WWE intercontinental championship, WWE World Tag Team Championship, WWE United States Championship

Finisher: The Cobra

When Santino Marella first made his debut in WWE, he was a crowd plant when Raw emanated from Italy. He won his debut match against Umaga, capturing the Intercontinental Championship in his first ever try.

For a time WWE tried to push Marella as a plucky underdog, but over time he morphed into more of a comedy character. Santino Marella took a page from Mick Foley's book during his later years as Mankind; Slip a sock puppet onto your hand and make the best of things.

Marella ironically proved far more popular as a goofy comedy act who still managed to capture title wins. He was released from the WWE, and has mostly retired from in ring competition though he does work as a trainer.


There you have it; five of the craziest characters in WWE history. What's your favorite zany, wacky persona? Please comment and let us know, and as always thanks for reading!