WWE Monday Night Raw Preview: June 19, 2017

What will Roman’s announcement be?

#2 The Man versus the God

Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt stare down...it isn’t the last time we’ll be hearing that

Seth Rollins is the Man. Make no mistake about it.

But ever since he vanquished the King at WrestleMania 33, he’s been flitting from one opponent to the next, without really discovering the feral purpose of battle with anyone of them. Until now.

Bray Wyatt has a knack for bringing out the worst (and sometimes, best) in you with his mind games and occult ways, forcing you into corners you don’t like and toying with the ideals that you hold dear.

After pulling off a disappearance act last week that would have certainly given Rollins sleepless nights, what devious plan does the Eater of Worlds have up his sleeve next? Or will it be the Architect who seizes the initiative by coming out swinging?

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