WWE RAW - Best and Worst- Alexa Bliss and The Fiend launch stunning attack, Big mistake with current Champion on Draft Night Two

Alexa Bliss channeled The Fiend this week on WWE RAW
Alexa Bliss channeled The Fiend this week on WWE RAW

#2 Best: A fantastic tribute to Eddie Guerrero on WWE RAW from Ricochet

Sasha Banks may be especially vocal about her fandom for Eddie Guerrero, but so many Superstars who are a part of the WWE RAW roster have followed in the footsteps of the man who used to lie, cheat, and steal and of course, Ricochet is one of them. His match against Cedric Alexander saw a trademark Eddie Guerrero spot, that many in the audience caught and it was a fantastic tribute to the legend a few days after his birthday. Of course, Ricochet and The Hurt Business are done with each other on WWE RAW as well, and honestly, that's a positive development.

There are many feuds that run past their due date and Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre is in dangerous territory right now, where it may just have viewers lose interest.

Ricochet could go on to on a whole host of new opponents, including Superstars who've come over to WWE RAW from SmackDown as such The Fiend and Matt Riddle.

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