WWE SummerSlam 2014 : 5 Storylines that can sprout from the Pay-Per-View

Vince McMahons World Wrestling Entertainment is all set to roll out its second biggest pay-per-view of the year on Sunday at the Staples Centre in Los Angles.Eight matches and possible additions on spot will be presented to the fans who will be watching the show and even though this is a conclusion to one phase of the year, it also marks the start of another, the road to Survivor Series.All the feuds that is built up till SummerSlam might or might not conclude at the pay-per-view but there are possibilities of new angles sprouting out from the biggest party of the summer.So here is a look at those possible storylines that the WWE fans could see taking birth at SummerSlam on Sunday.

#5 Additions in the Tag division

The first real effort from the writers to rejuvenate their tag team division after SummerSlam was seen a couple of weeks back when they started making teams to a lacking division.

First there was the Dust Brothers who could be considered new thanks to Cody’s new gimmick. Then Slator Gator dropped in and got more layers to their story with Slater’s winning streak. The Team of Big E and Kofi Kingston are still up there along with Rybaxel, Wyatt Family and Usos.

This week on SmackDown, the company introduced a potential blockbuster team in the form of Mark Henry and Big Show.

The pairing up of two former world champion is sure to be a big boost for the division and hopefully WWE would be able to inject some credibility back into the tag team wrestling.

#4 Midcard Unification, finally

One of the embarrassing things about SummerSlam for the WWE creative team would be their failure to find a place for United States championship in the pay-per-view.

Sheamus was having an above average run with the title after he won it from Ambrose and deserved to defend it on Sunday. However, he was missing from almost all the shows that WWE had after Battleground.

Miz on the other hand heads into a match with Dolph Ziggler with his Intercontinental title on the line. The Money Maker is sure to walk out as the champion considering Ziggler’s history.

And one thing that the company could do to prevent Sheamus from giving a full miss to the pay-per-view would be to get him involved to some extent and pave path for the Unification feud.

#3 Reigns heading for the head

It was clear that Roman Reigns would go for the Authority once the Shield exploded after Rollins decided to switch sides. The battle got stopped before it started and he was involved into the title picture.

From there, Reigns found a new foe in the form of Randy Orton. The company played out the cards for SummerSlam and the two will clash on Sunday to settle the grudges.

The former Shield member is almost sure to get one over the viper at the pay-per-view. This leaves him open to move to the head of the Authority and lock horns with Hunter.

Considering how important the Night of Champions is for the company in terms of Network renewals, Hunter will have to wrestle. And the best opponent that he has at the roster right now is Reigns who is in need of someone like Triple H to get more over.

#2 Continuing pursuit

The lumberjack stipulation that has been added to the SummerSlam match suggests that the feud between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins is only getting started.

There is still a lot of criticism on the creative team going with such a stipulation while they could’ve had an intense match in their hand. However, if they are looking to extend the feud, it is the perfect situation to let the angle flourish.

A sense of injustice against Ambrose is what the company needs to heat up the angle and there won’t be a better stipulation than lumber jack for that.

Hunter might pick a pack of heel superstars to be lumberjacks which in turn would stop Ambrose from getting his hands on Rollins. An exact repetition of the Battleground scenario should not be expected as it would be screwier towards the lunatic fringe.

This means that Ambrose would have to wait more to finally get Rollins making that ultimate match a big draw.

#1 The reign of a part time champion

The WWE fans has seen all type of champions, they’ve seen cruiser weight, giants, high fliers and also part timers.

As Brock Lesnar would face Cena at the main event of SummerSlam to determine the WWE champion, one possibility that rise up is the company ending up with a part time champion.

Lesnar is obviously not going to work every week in and week out if he wins the title meaning that the fans wouldn’t see their champion on a regular basis.

The Beast is a well-recognized face all over the world and will be crucial for the company when it comes to improving their business. Keeping the title on him would benefit from that angle but for the fans, it would be similar to the reign that Rock had a few years back.

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