6 Lower-Body Exercises to Grow Your Glutes

Best lower-body exercises to try! (Image via Unsplash/Bruce Mars)
Best lower-body exercises to try! (Image via Unsplash/Bruce Mars)

There are several lower-body exercises that will help you get bigger and stronger glutes. They will help you to effectively engage all the muscles in your legs along with increasing strength.

The lower-body exercises will provide several common benefits, including building explosive strength in the lower body, getting a stronger butt, toning your leg muscles, and more.

In this article, we have curated a list of the six best and most efficient lower-body exercises that will help you build muscle mass and get stronger glutes.

Plyometric jumps (Image via Unsplash/meghan Holmes)
Plyometric jumps (Image via Unsplash/meghan Holmes)

Best Lower-Body Exercises for Glutes

1. Barbell Back Squats

Barbell back squats tend to be the best lower-body exercises that will not only help you get bigger and stronger glutes but will also help in building the explosive power of the lower body.

How to do barbell back squats?

Start this exercise in an upright standing posture with a barbell positioned on your rear shoulders. Your feet should be apart of the shoulder distance with your toes slightly angled outwards. Your spine, hips, and feet should be in proper alignment. Now descend your body so that your hips are below the height of your knees. Drive back to the initial position and repeat.

2. Romanian Deadlifts

Romanian deadlifts are amongst the most effective lower-body exercises that will not only help you get stronger glutes but will also help in building bigger legs.

How to do Romanian deadlifts?

Start this exercise in an upright standing posture with your feet apart at shoulder distance while clutching a barbell in both your palms with an overhand grip. Next, start lowering your barbell with a slight bend of your knees while hinging down at the hips and your back remains straight.

As your barbell hovers right above the ground, drive your hips to the front to assume the standing position. Reverse the movement and repeat.

3. Lateral Banded Walks

Lateral banded walks tend to be efficient lower-body exercises that will provide extensive advantages including greater hip stability, increased strength of the hip abductors, toned thighs, and more.

How to do lateral banded walks?

Strap a resistance band around both your legs right above the ankles with your core region engaged. Your feet should be apart at hip distance with your resistance band taut. Slightly bend your knees to assume a half-squat position with activated glute muscles.

Start walking towards one side for a few repetitions before repeating the same on the opposite side.

Barbell back squats (Image via Unsplash/Alora Griffiths)
Barbell back squats (Image via Unsplash/Alora Griffiths)

4. Barbell Hip Thrusts

This is among the incredible lower-body exercises if you want to build bigger and stronger glutes. This compound exercise will also help in improving your athletic performance.

How to do barbell hip thrusts?

Begin in an upright sitting position on the ground with your feet positioned flat on the ground and back positioned against the exercise bench. Position the barbell over your hips while clutching it in both your hands.

Move your feet to the front before pressing on your feet to elevate your hips and weight. At the top movement, your thighs and upper torso should be angled parallel to the ground. With control, lower the bar and repeat.

5. Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks tend to be among dynamic lower-body exercises that will help in strengthening glute muscles while enabling you to build a bigger butt.

How to do donkey kicks?

Start this exercise by assuming a tabletop position on the floor with your back flat. While maintaining a ninety-degree bend on your knee, raise your leg straight upwards and backward to the ceiling. Reverse the movement and repeat. Swap sides.

6. Step Ups

Step-ups are also an efficient lower-body exercise that will help in increasing core stability, toning your thighs, and building stronger glutes.

How to do step ups?

Start in an upright standing position right in front of the plyo box. For the weighted variation, you can clutch dumbbells in your palms. Step into the box with one leg followed by the other. Reverse the movement and repeat.

Romanian deadlift (Image via Unsplash/Luis Vidal)
Romanian deadlift (Image via Unsplash/Luis Vidal)

The aforementioned article discusses some of the lower-body exercises that will help you build stronger glutes along with better muscle definition.

These lower-body exercises tend to be increasingly beneficial not only for getting bigger glutes but also for a multitude of other advantages. These advantages include getting a stronger butt, strengthened glute muscles, toned thighs, increased lower body strength, and more.

Considering the benefits provided by the above listed exercises, you should definitely incorporate them into your regular workout regimen. Beginners can start with bodyweight exercises and eventually move onto weighted exercises.

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