5 Surprising Moments From AEW All Out

He is really going to be bragging about this for a while I guess
He is really going to be bragging about this for a while I guess

Well, that was a long day of pro wrestling.

All Out was the second pay-per-view event of All Elite Wrestling. It was a strong show that likely won’t be as remembered fondly as AEW Double or Nothing. But then again I am a little biased as I was actually at Double or Nothing.

All Out was still full of many nice surprises. You had a shocking ending to the Pac-Omega match, another tag team debut in the stacked AEW Tag Division, quite a spine buster by a legend and the clean ending to the AEW World Championship match. All Elite Wrestling has set itself up nicely for the start of its television show in October.

With the thoughts of worrying about the health of the Young Bucks in my mind, I present my list of the top five most surprising moments of AEW All Out:

#5 Nyla Rose Versus Riho For The AEW Women’s World Championship

Riho seems a little worried about her upcoming match with Nyla Rose on October 2nd.
Riho seems a little worried about her upcoming match with Nyla Rose on October 2nd.

When we saw the first-ever AEW Women’s match at Double or Nothing it was an excellent one between Awesome Kong, Kylie Rae, Nyla Rose and Britt Baker. Nyla Rose lost the match. She had a chance for redemption at Fyter Fest but lost to Riho instead.

So imagine the surprise when Nyla Rose dominated the Casino Battle Royale and getting a shot at the first AEW Women’s World Championship at the TNT premiere show. It is strange to see Rose go from a lose to the title picture so quickly.

Riho was a little less of a surprise. She was part of the winning six-women tag match at Double or Nothing. She won the triple threat match at Fyter Fest. It made a lot of sense for the unbeaten Riho to get a shot at the title if she defeated Hikaru Shida.

Riho plays the babyface well and pulled off a sudden victory. It certainly wasn’t the two competitors I thought would be fighting for the first AEW Women’s World Championship but it has an interesting storyline going into it.

#4 Kenny Omega Loses Clean Again

It is amazing to think Kenny Omega is going to lose another match at All Out
It is amazing to think Kenny Omega is going to lose another match at All Out

Let the Kenny Omega redemption angle begin.

Kenny Omega was arguably the best wrestler in the world in 2017 and 2018. You figured he would continue putting on great matches in All Elite Wrestling as he rose to be a known star in the United States. So it is still really shocking to see Kenny Omega lose clean for the second time at an All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view. He is simply losing clean in the big matches it seems.

Pac and Kenny Omega naturally put on one of the best matches of the card. The 23-minute match had a great pace with many believable near falls. The match seemed even throughout. But the sight of Kenny Omega passing out to Pac’s submission was shocking. You could tell by the reaction that the Chicago crowd agreed.

It opens a lot of possibilities. If he got such a major win, I assume Pac is becoming a full-time member of AEW. But the big question is where Kenny Omega goes from here. He is certainly in need of some real momentum now.

#3 The Long Term Storylines of Cody-Spears

So when does MJF turn on Cody? It is going to be great.
So when does MJF turn on Cody? It is going to be great.

I hope Pharaoh is fine. That pyro seemed to scare that poor dog. Maybe don’t bring him out to the ring.

The Cody-Spears match was an interesting one. Cody seemed to be the best in the company for putting on matches with compelling storylines. You could make the case that this match was more of the storyline than anything else. It certainly set up some interesting feuds for the future.

Shawn Spears is a quality heel and tried to use his manager Tully Blanchard to cheat his way to victory. That helped make the spot with Arn Anderson an even bigger deal. Anderson’s spine buster was sold perfectly by Spears. It is still strange the referees weren’t paying attention to any of it, however. He couldn’t hear the count reaction?

Cody was able to pull off the win. It is interesting to see all the potential teases of MJF turning on his mentor, Cody. Cody is playing the good guy role well and it will be great when MJF finally turns on him. That was the biggest takeaway from All Out in this major match.

#2 Insanity Of The AAA Ladder Match

As if the tag division wasn't already stacked in AEW. Things are going to be good.
As if the tag division wasn't already stacked in AEW. Things are going to be good.

I truly hope that the four amazing competitors in the AAA Tag Team Champion are truly ok after that. That was one of the most brutal ladder matches you are likely to see.

We all knew that a Ladder Match between the Lucha Bros and The Young Bucks would be great. It was the creativity of the match that was the wonderful surprise.

Some of the most brutal spots included: the insane Sunset Flip Destroyer from the top of the ladder, the brutal landing for Nick Jackson through the tables on the outside, the multiple spots where the wrestlers flew through the ladder and the brutal drop by Matt Jackson onto a ladder. I am sure they are all hurting at the moment.

It seemed the right result to have the Lucha Bros pick up a much-needed win. Having the tag team formerly known as LAX was a good surprise as well. The AEW Tag Team Division is stacked. But we should thank the Lucha Bros and the Young Bucks for helping carry the company in its infancy.

#1 Chris Jericho Wins the AEW World Heavyweight Championship Clean

It is amazing to think we have another World Champion in pro wrestling
It is amazing to think we have another World Champion in pro wrestling

Thank you, Chris Jericho.

It is amazing to see the 48-year-old Jericho become the first champion of this new promotion. It is an interesting booking choice. It likely makes sense for the established star to lead the beginnings of the brand on a major American television network. But if AEW truly wants to be an alternative to WWE it might have made sense to showcase the younger star, Adam Page, instead. But that isn’t the route the AEW bookers wanted to go.

The title match itself was fine but quite slow-paced. It was a bit long and the crowd seemed to be tired at the end of a long night. Chris Jericho put a lot of effort and blood into the match. As Adam Page went for his finisher, Chris Jericho hit his Judas Effect for the sudden victory.

I guess it makes sense to have Adam Page begin chasing the World Champion for a while. Chris Jericho is the confident heel and he has backed it up so far in the company. Who knows where the title picture goes from here.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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