AEW Dynamite - Best and Worst- New version of the 4 Horsemen with WWE Hall of Famer, Big issue with the women's division revealed 

Not one but two men are baying for Moxley's title
Not one but two men are baying for Moxley's title

Yeah, AEW Dynamite was a great show, by all accounts. It wasn't the perfect show but as my colleague Pratyay Ghosh remarked, a two-hour-long episode of AEW Dynamite felt like it just flew by very quickly.

In case you chose to watch WWE NXT tonight or were busy with other things, I would recommend that you go and catch the entire AEW Dynamite broadcast this week for sure. I would love to get your take on whether or not you cared for the broadcast and if you thought there was any room for improvement.

Without further ado, I present the best and worst of AEW Dynamite for your convenience and viewing pleasure.

#1 Best: Is Arn Anderson forming a new version of the Four Horsemen on AEW Dynamite?

I have had the chance to interact with Dax from FTR in the past, back when he was a part of The Revival and he spoke at great length, during an official WWE call, about how fond he was of Arn Anderson. I would have to assume that the fact that he is now allied with Arn Anderson on AEW Dynamite should personally be a very big deal for him and for his tag team partner.

And the honest truth is that Hangman Page just fits this collective like a glove. Arn Anderson could be the new J.J. Dillon as he brings forth a brand new version of the Four Horsemen on AEW Dynamite. And All Elite Wrestling could keep us guessing with regard to who the fourth man may be, as the episodes of AEW Dynamite roll by.

So, I ask you this, ladies, and gentlemen.

Whom would you choose as the fourth member of the AEW Dynamite Four Horsemen, if you were on the All Elite Wrestling booking committee?

#1 Worst: Hikaru Shida is miles ahead of the other women that compete on AEW Dynamite

I know that this is an unfair thing to say considering that Riho is in Japan at the moment and that Britt Baker is injured and can only cut promos on AEW Dynamite (and she's doing a great job in that role). But Hikaru Shida just seemed like she was in a different league as compared to her opponent, Diamante on this week's episode of AEW Dynamite.

All Elite Wrestling needs to sign some top heels right away, because the quality of women's wrestling on AEW Dynamite has dipped and how, if you compare it to the Joshi-style matches that we used to see once upon a time. Maybe Nyla Rose will be a force to be reckoned with, with Vickie Guerrero in her corner and maybe Britt Baker will be a formidable foe for Hikaru Shida one day, but until then it just feels like a one-woman division. Tessa Blanchard can't sign with AEW soon enough, in my personal opinion.

#2 Best: Two men are nipping at the heels of Jon Moxley on AEW Dynamite

With all due respect to seasoned veterans like Jon Moxley, what makes AEW Dynamite exciting to me is the wealth of young talent that All Elite Wrestling has to offer its fans. MJF cut one of the best promos of the year this week on AEW Dynamite and so did Ricky Starks, who also shone brightly in the main event match, in my opinion.

And yet, it was Darby Allin and Jon Moxley who teamed up in the main event match who stole the show on AEW Dynamite, with the face-off before their title match. These two men are certain to tear it up when they meet for the AEW World Championship next week, especially if it goes into the hardcore space. I may even be more intrigued by this matchup than I was for the last showdown between Cage and Moxley.

Also, if you have a chance, do watch the MJF promo back and find me another man in the business who cuts a better promo than him.

#2 Best/Worst: The dream match with WARHORSE on AEW Dynamite did not live up to expectations

I admit that I had no knowledge of WARHORSE but all of my colleagues at Sportskeeda Wrestling built him up to the extent that the Cody vs. WARHORSE match was all that I wanted to see on this week's AEW Dynamite episode. While it isn't the worst match that I have seen, I would have to say that what unfolded on AEW Dynamite wasn't a dream match by any stretch of the imagination. As a heavy metal fan, I was rooting for WARHORSE to have a good showing (shoutout to him for the King Diamond patch), but the match was just...okay?

Once again, this is the opinion of one person and if you thought otherwise about the match on AEW Dynamite, I welcome you to speak your mind freely in the comments.

I think that maybe hyping up something to no end does more harm than good, as was the case this week. The AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura match at WrestleMania is a clear case of this too.

#3 Best: 2 more former WWE stars arrive in stunning fashion on AEW Dynamite

I love the fact that Matt Cardona is in AEW at last and I think he will fit right in. Unfortunately, his arrival took a lot of steam away from WARHORSE's debut performance on AEW Dynamite but I have to say that I am glad that he will finally be used as a top star because he really deserves it and did not quite have the same luck in WWE.

I am also excited to see what Cameron brings to the table, or Ariane as she will be known on AEW Dynamite. The former WWE star may not exactly be Riho in the ring, but she is a renowned name and can elevate the women's division.


In fact, you can check out what Eric Bischoff has to say about AEW Dynamite and how the product has been picking up steam in the video that I have linked above. Please subscribe to the channel for more exciting content like this.

His thoughts on how WWE treated Sting are interesting too.

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