AEW Dynamite Results: Matt Hardy reveals new powers, Another debut teased, 2 TNT Championship tournament matches

Matt Hardy had an interesting warning for Chris Jericho
Matt Hardy had an interesting warning for Chris Jericho

Another great episode of AEW Dynamite saw 2 TNT Championship matches as well as Kenny Omega and MJF in action.

The show kicked off with a video of Cody sitting in the AEW control center. He ran down and spoke about the brackets for the TNT Championship tournament. Cody then added that everyone in the tournament would give it their all to win it.

Sammy Guevara vs Darby Allin

Sammy Guevara and Darby Allin's TNT Championship tournament match was the first of the night. Both men came to blows at ringside even before the match had started. Sammy took a ladder and set it up on the ring and the barricade before placing Darby on it. Guevara leapt off the top turnbuckle and hit Allin with a Frog Splash.

When the match finally started, Guevara was all over Darby Allin. He took Allin to the top turnbuckle but Allin reversed things here, briefly wresting control of the match. Guevara was soon back in it with a tope suicida to ringside before heading to a top rope and hitting a 450 splash.

Darby Allin quickly tried a pin attempt and with the leg hooked, he surprisingly managed to win the match.

Matt Hardy has a message for Chris Jericho

Matt Hardy had a message for Chris Jericho from the Hardy Compound. Hardy said that he challenged Jericho to a match and he knew that Jericho had issues with him. He added that maybe hos Broken personality was too much for Jericho before revealing that he could change between BROKEN Matt Hardy and his mortal vessel at will now. Thus he transformed into normal Matt Hardy and explained why Jericho was mad at him.

Hardy said he backed up the people Jericho wanted to take out, preventing Jericho from sitting at the top of the ladder and dominating. Hardy said this was about protecting the wrestling business for future generations.

Kenny Omega vs Alan Angels

Alan Angels started off strong, hitting Omega with a step-up senton to his back. Omega took down Angels with a backbreaker for a 2-count. Angels replied with a dropkick for a 2-count of his own.

Angels then headed to the top rope but landed on his feet after Omega rolled out of the way. Angels then dodged a V-Trigger and replied with an enzuigiri. Kenny replied with his patented Snap Dragon Suplex followed by the V-Trigger for a near-fall.

Omega followed it up with a modified powerbomb before connecting with a second V-Trigger to pin Alan Angels for the win.

Kenny Omega def. Alan Angels

Orange Cassidy vs Jimmy Havoc

Jimmy Havoc attacked Orange Cassidy from behind before the bell rang. He then dragged Cassidy out to ringside and dunked him on the barricade, followed by a vertical suplex to the floor. Havoc then sent Cassidy face-first into the ringpost.

Havoc was all over Orange Cassidy and even hit Cassidy's hands. Cassidy finally had it and hit back with a suicide dive followed by a crossbody off the top rope. He followed it up with a tornado DDT for a nearfall.

Havoc tried to hit back and take Cassidy to the top rope but he got pushed off. Cassidy followed it with a lazy splash followed by a lazy cover for a 2-count. Havoc replied with a right hand to the face and Cassidy hit back with a superman punch of his own.

Penelope Ford got on the apron to try and make the distraction but Best Friends tried to stop her. Kip Sabian came out and took them out with a dive. Ford headed to the top rope but missed Cassidy on the way down.

Cassidy used the distraction to roll up Jimmy Havoc for the win.\

Orange Cassidy def. Jimmy Havoc

MJF's message for his fans in these difficult times

MJF was on next to cut a promo. He said the world was going through difficult and unprecedented times. He said that his fans craved to see him on television but he was out with "an injury" caused by too much gambling on previous episodes of Dynamite.

MJF promised to return to the ring soon and win the AEW World Championship.

Wardlow vs Lee Johnson

Wardlow immediately overpowered Lee Johnson as the two men went to lockup and caught him with a knee to the gut. Wardlow tried to deadlift Johnson but he hit back with a dropkick.

Wardlow did not look happy. We saw shades of Goldberg in his prime as Wardlow lifted Johnson to hit a Gorilla Press Slam. The big man hit a couple of release suplexes but Johnson wouldn't stay down.

Wardlow dropped Johnson from the top-rope, face-first right onto his knee. The big man followed it up with the release Airplane Spin to pin Lee Johnson and leave with the win. Another dominant display from Wardlow.

Wardlow def. Johnson

The Dark Order get a new recruit

We got a vignette showing a new wrestler looking to join The Dark Order. We then cut to Brodie Lee talking to him backstage, saying people in AEW were afraid of success. Lee then handed his new recruit a mask.

Brodie Lee vs Justin Law

Young Justin Law had a tough task ahead of him as he faced 'The Exalted One' Brodie Lee in singles action. Lee didn't waste any time going right after Law.

Lee took down Law quickly, before slamming him into the turnbuckles. The former WWE Superstar then hit Justin Law with a Blackhole Slam. That was probably enough to keep Law down but Brodie Lee wasn't done yet. Lee then got Law back to his feet and hit him with a Discus Clothesline to pin the youngster.

Brodie Lee def. Justin Law

The Bubbly Bunch

We got another episode of the Bubbly Bunch next. This time we had members of the Inner Circle on "Flim Flam" as they competed over a bottle of hand sanitizer. Check out the video above.

Dustin Rhodes versus Kip Sabian

The main event of the night saw Kip Sabian face Dustin Rhodes in a TNT Championship tournament match. Leading up to the match, Dustin Rhodes had teased that this could be it for his wrestling career if he lost tonight.

Dustin looked like he hurt his knee early on in the match and Kip Sabian went right after it. Sabian was in total control at this point as he locked in a kneebar. Sabian went to Irish Whip Dustin Rhodes into the corner but he went down in a heap. Sabia followed it up with a dropkick but Rhodes almost rolled him up for a 2-count.

Rhodes tried to hit back with a scoop slam but his leg gave way and Sabian covered him for another 2-count. Sabian was all over Rhodes by this point, catching him with a knee strike and a lariat.

Dustin Rhodes hit back with an Atomic Drop and a Powerslam. Penelope Ford got into the ring at this point but Brandi Rhodes took her out with a Spear. Dustin used the distraction to hit Kip Sabian with a Canadian Destroyer (Code Red) for the win.

Dustin Rhodes def. Kip Sabian

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