AEW Fyter Fest Night 2: Best and worst - Nyla Rose gets a manager, Roster member banned from the building

Orange Cassidy became a big star on this big night
Orange Cassidy became a big star on this big night

AEW Fyter Fest 2020 was a fantastic show although I don't necessarily know if it was strong enough to go up against WWE NXT, which seems to be where most of the attention was focused tonight. In any case, night 2 of AEW Fyter Fest was just about as uneventful as the first night was, but that's not to say that there weren't some very interesting developments indeed.

So, how would I rate the second night of AEW Fyter Fest in a nutshell, you ask? I would ask you to read on and if you agree or disagree with my assessment, please chime in with your thoughts about AEW Fyter Fest 2020 in the comments below.

So with that in mind, I present the 'Best and worst' of AEW Fyter Fest for your reading pleasure, dear ladies, and gentlemen.

#1 Best: Nyla Rose announces a brand new manager at AEW Fyter Fest 2020

I was ready to slot this in the worst category for 'AEW Fyter Fest 2020' when it was first announced because the unnamed opponents for Nyla Rose were two enhancement talents. But Nyla Rose went on to cut a brilliant promo at AEW Fyter Fest and I do really wonder who her manager will be.

There are so many contenders for the spot right now and one has to wonder if the position will be filled by a man or a woman because it could make for so many awesome pairings. Especially when it comes to a powerhouse like Nyla Rose, it always helps to have a cornerman/corner-woman as we have seen in the past with contenders like Taz and Brian Cage as well as Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar.

Even though Nyla Rose proved that she can cut a mean promo on AEW Fyter Fest, I wouldn't mind a mouthpiece for her, honestly.

#1 Worst: Big Swole gets banned from the building at AEW Fyter Fest

At AEW Fyter Fest, one of the biggest positives to emerge from the event was how Orange Cassidy went from a mere comedy character to a very serious contender, thanks to the genius and the expertise of Chris Jericho.

Unfortunately, AEW Fyter Fest was also the site of the traditional All Elite Wrestling goofiness, if you consider the storyline between Big Swole and Britt Baker, that is just utterly ridiculous.

The tweet from the boss- Tony Khan, which came out during the course of AEW Fyter Fest also took down the seriousness of the entire event, which was going very well until then. It's hard to not laugh at Britt Baker's exaggerated reaction to almost everything, but I have to wonder if AEW has to always make everything so silly and goofy.

Before you accuse me of being a WWE mark, I had a very similar reaction to The Viking Raiders and The Street Profits as well that unfolded on WWE RAW recently.

#2 Best: Orange Cassidy steals the show at AEW Fyter Fest 2020

I had a lot of questions and apprehensions heading into the big Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy match at AEW Fyter Fest 2020, especially if you consider that Chris Jericho and Mike Tyson are on a collision course at some point down the line.

I feared for this program because a comedy match with Orange Cassidy at AEW Fyter Fest would just devalue the man, ahead of such a major clash. I am glad to report that this was one of the better matches of the night and that Chris Jericho has put Orange Cassidy on the map now.

I loved the part that Santana and Ortiz played during the match as well, throwing orange juice in Orange Cassidy's face, ensuring that Chris Jericho's win was still mired in controversy.

Orange Cassidy, as so many on Twitter have claimed is a star, and he really proved this on this week's edition of AEW Fyter Fest, where he quite literally showed us what he's capable of.

#2 Worst: Something about the Dark Order still isn't clicking

There was nothing wrong with the SCU vs. Dark Order match at AEW Fyter Fest 2020 but I am having a hard time just buying into the idea of The Dark Order as a cult because their behavior has been strange.

They aren't as dark or ominous as say, The Wyatt Family, or even as interesting as The Straight Edge Society and what Seth Rollins has been doing with the Monday Night Messiah gimmick on WWE RAW.

The Dark Order vs. SCU at AEW Fyter Fest 2020

Honestly, it's tough to care about SCU too much either at this stage. They can always be relied upon to have good matches but there hasn't been enough of an emotional connection between them and the audience thus far, and this was the match at AEW Fyter Fest where my personal interest began to wane.

Cult Cabana, the pun AEW seems to be using on social media is a fun joke, but that's the only thing interesting about the whole storyline thus far.

#3 Best/Worst: Match of the night at AEW Fyter Fest?

You cannot look at this clip and tell me that this wasn't a spectacular moment. And I loved the way that this match at AEW Fyter Fest built into a crescendo and this was the big spot that happened before the finish.

But then again, I wonder if it's the right move to have FTR and The Young Bucks on the losing side when it is amply clear that the money feud is between the two teams at some point after AEW Fyter Fest. I have to say that I thought that the two teams had insane chemistry when they worked with one another and the eventual clash, whenever it happens, will be pure gold.

Before you ask, I have no thoughts whatsoever about the title that was unveiled by Taz at AEW Fyter Fest 2020. I am intrigued however and want to see, where the storyline leads.


And so, as we wrap up AEW Fyter Fest and head towards Fight for the Fallen, be sure to check out Darren Paltrowitz's interview with AEW star Matt Hardy, linked above.