WWE NXT Results (July 22nd, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights 

Kross was all business tonight
Kross was all business tonight

NXT started with William Regal addressing the WWE Universe, throwing it to the Double Champion Keith Lee. The Champ Champ was sitting at a desk with his prized possessions sitting in front of him.

He knew how hard it was to get to NXT, let alone hold a title. With that being said, he's decided to relinquish the NXT North American Championship. We'll have a few triple threat matches to determine who will challenge for the belt in a ladder match at the next TakeOver.

Dexter Lumis vs Killian Dain in the NXT opener

Dexter Lumis was taken down first by the Hound of Ulster, but quickly rose back to his feet. Never taking his eyes off of Killian Dain, he managed to get in the head of his opponent.

Drain dragged Lumis to the floor where he was met with a series of right hands. However, The Divide connected, crashing through Lumis and leaving him grabbing his ribs. Dain followed that up by tossing him into the plexiglass.

On the inside, a guillotine leg drop brought all of Dain's weight across the neck of a hanging Lumis. The Tortured Artist of NXT suffered through a lot of punishment, as Dain continued to use his body as a weapon.

After minutes of punishment, Lumis countered a big splash with a spinebuster. He continued to fight back, peppering Dain with more right hands following a Thesz Press. A clothesline/bulldog set Dain up for a big belly-to-back suplex. 1-2-Kickout!

Dain responded with a shotgun dropkick into the corner and hit the cannonball senton. A standing powerbomb and elbow drop still couldn't keep Lumis down! Lumis was able to catch Dain with the uranage side slam, but couldn't latch in the Anaconda Vice.

Avoiding a second powerbomb, Lumis was sent to the apron. As he climbed to the top rope, Dain cut him off. Lumis prevented the superplex and hit a big Swanton Bomb. The Anaconda Vice was finally locked in, and Dain couldn't get away. Though he never tapped out, he would pass out.

Results: Dexter Lumis vs Killian Dain via submission on NXT.

Grade: B-

Roderick Strong was interviewed backstage about the NXT North American Championship ladder match qualifier. He, Johnny Gargano, and Bronson Reed would compete later on tonight. Strong claimed that this was where the Undisputed Era got back on track. According to Reed, though, the Era have had enough opportunities. It was time for a new star to shine.

Gargano disagreed, but when doesn't he?

The Mountie Model always gets his man
The Mountie Model always gets his man

NXT brought us a tag team match next, featuring 205 Live's Ever-Rise. The Canadian duo were unprepared for the comedic stylings of Breezango, who came out to the music of The Mountie, dressed as the Quebecers.

Ever-Rise vs Breezango on NXT

Chase Parker was easily handled by Tyler Breeze at first. Matt Martel tried to start up a "Defense" chant and was met with a Supermodel Kick for his trouble. This distraction, though, allowed Ever-Rise to get back into the match.

Martel bounced Breeze's face off the plexiglass. Parker tagged back in but couldn't keep Breeze away from Fandango, who came in like a house on fire. Setting up Parker for a leg sweep, he ducked Martel for a back body drop before hitting the leg sweep. Ever-Rise moved to the floor but couldn't avoid a Mountie-esque dive.

Back in the ring, a pair of superkicks laid out Parker for the win.

Results: Breezango defeated Ever-Rise via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: C

Dominik Dijakovic was asked about his upcoming match with Karrion Kross. Dijakovic said that he took a rough beatdown last week, which was apparently true because he said he got duplexes over the railing when in fact it was a back body drop.

Up next, Shotzi Blackheart vs Aliyah. Hopefully Robert Stone can avoid that tank tonight.

Why, Shotzi, why?
Why, Shotzi, why?

Aliyah w/Robert Stone vs Shotzi Blackheart on NXT

After chasing Robert Stone around the NXT ring, Shotzi Blackheart planted Aliyah while screaming "Welcome to the Ballpit," whatever that means. A cannonball senton on the ropes connected, but a second one was avoided by Aliyah, who followed up with a facebuster off the apron to the floor.

Aliyah continued to build more momentum, hitting a suplex-exploder suplex combination. Robert Stone was quite proud. A Camel Clutch trapped Blackheart in the middle of the ring.

Blackheart broke away and hit a corner splash, setting up a spinning facebuster. A boot and rolling forearm connected, as did a switchblade kick. The belly-to-back suplex planted Aliyah on her neck. Blackheart went for the Glam Slam but Aliyah was able to counter, turning it into a schoolboy pin.

She would've gotten a big win on NXT, but the ref notice she was using the ropes. Blackheart hit a nasty enziguri and followed that with a dragon suplex. Stone tried to interfere, but a boot knocked him to the floor where he landed on his injured ankle.

Blackheart connected with the diving Senton Splash, putting Aliyah down for the three.

Results: Shotzi Blackheart defeated Aliyah via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: B-

Following the match, Shotzi Blackheart ran over Robert Stone's other leg with her tank. As she celebrated, though, she was met with a big boot by the latest brawler in NXT, Mercedes Martinez.

Will Martinez join the Robert Stone Brand? Or was this more about sending a message to Blackheart?

Next up? The first NXT Triple Threat Qualifier!

Who will be the first to qualify for the ladder match?
Who will be the first to qualify for the ladder match?

Isaiah "Swerve" Scott had an impressive vignette on NXT where he spoke about his accomplishments so far. As a man that holds a win over current NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar, Swerve believed that all he'd need was just one shot to take that belt away from the leader of Legado del Fantasma.

NXT North American Ladder Match Qualifier: Johnny Gargano vs Bronson Reed vs Roderick Strong

Roderick Strong and Johnny Gargano attempted to chop down Auszilla at the beginning. As they talked over a gameplan outside, neither felt they could trust the other. Bronson Reed eventually dragged them inside, planting both men with some big slams.

Reed caught both men in his arms, but Strong was able to escape. Gargano slipped out but his step-up enziguri ended up blasting Strong. Reed launched Gargano into Strong, sending them to the floor again.

Back from a break, Reed was in the middle of an all-out assault on his opponents. However, as he set up for a dive on Gargano, Strong slid in for a running knee in the ropes. Strong followed up with some clubbing blows in the corner. Gargano followed in suit, leading to both men fighting for the opportunity to hit the big man.

Reed made it back to his feet again but had his knee taken out by the Messiah of the Backbreaker. Reed stopped a double Irish whip, launching both men into each other. Gargano was flattened while Strong hit another big strike to the head of Reed.

Strong was caught in a sunset flip attempt, though Gargano swung him upward by the legs to hit Reed in the down under. Gargano then hit Strong with the slingshot spear and drove Reed into the wall with a dive. However, as he set up for One Final Beat, Strong countered it in mid-air with a backbreaker.

Reed broke up the Stronghold and Went to work on the former North American Champions, spiking Strong on Gargano with a uranage slam. A big body splash in the corner crushed both men. A senton hit Strong but Gargano broke up the pinfall.

Strong, thanks to Gargano, was able to hit the Olympic Slam on Reed, but was dumped to the floor. Gargano couldn't secure the pinfall. Reed was hung up in the ropes as Strong hit a series of running strikes, but was again sent out by Gargano.

Strong countered a dive, leading to a small brawl that was immediately broken up when Reed hit a massive suicide dive. The Resident Thicc Boi of NXT planted both men in the ring with a double-stacked Samoan Drop.

Reed brought Gargano up in the electric chair where Strong attempted the Doomsday Device. Gargano rolled backwards instead, planting Reed with a Poison Rana. Strong laid into him with a knee, but Gargano responded with a kick to the jaw, leaving all three men down on the mat on NXT.

Strong was able to eliminate Reed from the equation with a powerbomb on the floor. On the inside, a big slam planted Gargano for a two-count. Strong set up for the Tiger Bomb but was countered into the Garga-No Escape on NXT.

Strong broke away, leading to the lawn dart by Gargano into the second turnbuckle. Gargano set up for the DIY superkick, only for Strong to avoid it. Strong hit the fireman's carry gutbuster, sending Gargano to the apron on NXT.

Gargano was able to plant Strong with One Final Beat in response, but couldn't respond, as a big splash from Bronson Reed left Strong implanted in the mat for the win on NXT!

Results: Bronson Reed defeated Roderick Strong via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: A+

Oney Lorcan and Timothy Thatcher put on another mat classic tonight
Oney Lorcan and Timothy Thatcher put on another mat classic tonight

Timothy Thatcher vs Oney Lorcan on NXT

Timothy Thatcher and Oney Lorcan jockeyed for position in their NXT rematch. Lorcan went for the mount but was slapped off by Thatcher. As they made it back to their feet, a belly-to-belly suplex brought the Star Destroyer down to the mat.

A half-hatch suplex connected as well, leading to Thatcher working toward a bow and arrow. Lorcan broke out and found himself in an armbar. Luckily, he was near the ropes to force a break.

Thatcher battered Lorcan with slaps, chops, and knees to the ribs. Lorcan recovered as he bounced off the ropes, hitting two running uppercuts that launched Thatcher out the ring. Thatcher recovered momentarily, but a diving uppercut off the second rope rang his bells.

Thatcher escaped the half-and-half suplex attempt, but was caught in a wrist lock that Lorcan transitioned into a pinfall attempt. Thatcher did escape, and broke an armbar submission by fish hooking the mouth of the Boston Brawler.

Lorcan spiked Thatcher with the half-and-half suplex. Thatcher was able to kick out, but a nasty arm wrench really damaged his arm. Somehow, Thatcher was able to turn the momentum on Lorcan, turning a submission attempt into a pinfall and barely escape Lorcan.

Results: Timothy Thatcher defeated Oney Lorcan via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: B+

Though he got the win, Thatcher was furious. The moral victory went to Oney Lorcan, who we later found out was cheated out of the match when Thatcher held his tights. Looks like we'll see more of these two on NXT.

Mercedes Martinez found Robert Stone and Aliyah, and laid down a deal. She needed someone to handle stuff outside the ring. All the things that she didn't care about. Stone agreed, and despite all the pain he was in, managed to lock in a big client with Martinez.

He and Aliyah momentarily celebrated on NXT before he put pressure on his newly injured ankle.

A monster is lurking in the NXT main event
A monster is lurking in the NXT main event

Before the NXT main event, a Finn Balor vignette was played. Balor said that Keith Lee was handing out charity, and the Prince doesn't need it. He'll capture the North American Championship. Next week on NXT, he'll take on Timothy Thatcher and Dexter Lumis in another NXT North American Title Qualifier. He apologized to them because their push has "hit the ceiling."

NXT Main Event: Karrion Kross w/Scarlett vs Dominik Dijakovic

It was a brawl between two giants of NXT. Karrion Kross and Dominic Dijakovic wrapped up, with neither man giving an inch in the first clench. The second one saw Dijakovic drive Kross into the corner, but a low kick to the gut took him to his feet.

Kross caught Dijakovic in a headlock, but the big man was easily able to counter it into a Feast Your Eyes. Kross landed on his feet but was rocked with a nasty striking combination by Dijakovic. A big elbow blasted Kross, taking him to the floor.

Dijakovic followed and was nearly hit with a straight punch into the plexiglass. He ducked and caught Kross with a big cyclone kick. Back inside, Kross responded with some roundhouse kicks that hammered the side of Dijakovic's head. A DDT planted him as Kross began to laugh as we went into the final break for NXT.

Kross choked Dijakovic out with a side headlock. A Doomsday Saito spiked Dijakovic. Kross gave the signal for the Kross Jacket, but Dijakovic sent him across the ring.

A right elbow left Kross dazed in the corner. It seemed that he'd be the first NXT star to take out Kross. Another big striking combination set up for the release suplex.

Kross was driven into the middle of the NXT ring with a sit-out chokeslam but kicked out at two. On the floor, a tope con hilo connected. Still, Kross shook it off, sending Dijakovic into the steps.

Dijakovic was left sandwiched in between the steps and the ring post. Kross hammered the steps, cracking the skull of Dijakovic. Kross brought his unconscious body into the ring. Dijakovic began to stir, and that's when Kross buried several elbows into Dijakovic's face.

At that moment, NXT Champion Keith Lee walked down to ringside. Kross set his sights on Lee, who went to interfere. Dijakovic refused help. Lee was forced to watch as Dijakovic was helplessly beaten within an inch of his life.

Finally, the Kross Jacket ended things, leaving Dijakovic slumped over in the middle of the ring.

Results: Karrion Kross defeated Dominic Dijakovic via submission on NXT.

Grade: A

Karrion Kross delivered a message to the NXT Champion, but released the hold as soon as Lee entered the ring.

Episode Rating: A

Keith Lee dropped a bombshell at the very beginning of the show tonight. The matches tonight were incredible and Kross sent the NXT Champion a strong warning!

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