WWE RAW Results October 21st, 2019: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest Monday Night RAW

Rollins was pushed t
Rollins was pushed to his limit

The first RAW since the 2019 Draft kicked off with an appearance from Ric Flair. He spoke about beating Team Hogan at Crown Jewel before introducing the fifth member of his team, Drew McIntyre. Drew said he was ready to give us a preview of what he was about to do to Team Hogan at Crown Jewel in his match with Ricochet that was up next.

Drew McIntyre vs. Ricochet

Drew decimated Ricochet after the match
Drew decimated Ricochet after the match

Ric Flair was sitting at ringside to witness the match and Drew said Ricochet outside early on. Mcintyre dominated in the first half of the match but Ricochet managed to counter some big moves before hitting a big dive.

Flair was trash taking Hogan as the match went on and Ricochet turned things around with a huge dropkick in the ring followed by a standing shooting star press. Drew hit a buckle bomb and a powerbomb but Ricochet kicked out.

Ricochet managed to lift Drew for a huge slam before hitting a Shooting Star Press but still no pinfall. McIntyre countered the recoil and threw him outside. McIntyre followed up with the Claymore for the win.

Result: Drew McIntyre def. Ricochet

Drew came back in post-match and destroyed Ricochet with a Butterfly DDT and then his patented front slam into the steel steps!

Match rating: A

The OC were in a backstage interview and said that The Street Profits sucked, and so did Cleveland.

Aleister Black was in his lair and was feeling the rage before his match that was up next.

Aleister Black vs. Promotional Talent

Easy win for Aleister
Easy win for Aleister

Black hit a few kicks to start of the match and then a big elbow. His opponent gained a momentary advantage but took the Black Mass before being pinned for the three-count.

Result: Aleister Black def. Promotional Talent

Match rating: C

Rusev was set to appear for tonight's segment of the King's Court. Before it began, we were greeted by AOP in another backstage promo.

The King's Court with Rusev

Rusev still has his wedding ring after all this drama!
Rusev still has his wedding ring after all this drama!

Jerry 'The King' Lawler called Rusev out to the ring, introducing him as Lana's husband. Lawler said that Lana had told her that Rusev was not allowing her to spend money on herself or follow her modelling career as the reason for leaving him.

Rusev said that Lashley had poisoned her mind before Bobby Lashley showed up on the Titantron with Lana and they were having dinner. They taunted him and Rusev ran out to deliver his message to them personally, saying that he knew where they were.

Segment rating: B

Andrade was set to face Sin Cara in the ring up next and was talking strategy backstage with Zelina Vega.

Andrade vs. Sin Cara

Yet another unfair win for Andrade
Yet another unfair win for Andrade

Vega trashed on Sin Cara before the match and the luchador hit a big dive, taking control right off the bat. Vega got involved and Andrade took the momentum back with ease. After a break, Sin Cara hit a springboard crossbody and then a big slam.

Andrade took out Sin Cara but the luchador kicked out. Sin Cara sent Andrade outside and hit a Hurricanrana on the outside. Vega ran the distraction and hit a Hurricanrana of her own. Back in the ring, Andrade hit the Hammerlock DDT for the win.

Result: Andrade def. Sin Cara

Match result: B

Humberto Carrillo was watching the match backstge and said he was ready for the competition and win his first title on RAW.

The Street Profits were back after last week's beating and said The OC were jealous. They were said to main event RAW for their first match and their third partner was a surprise. My guess is it'll be Cedric Alexander.

R-Truth was backstage with his 24/7 Title and ran into the Bollywood Boys who managed to pin him for the belt. Sunil Singh is the new champ!

The Viking Raiders vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

The Raiders are unstoppable!
The Raiders are unstoppable!

The Vikings ran through Hawkins & Ryder right off the bat before Ryder equalized things with a dropkick from the top rope. Hawkins was tagged in and kept the pressure on Erik. Ivar was in next and turned both opponents into pancakes with his huge size.

Erik was back in and hit a knee to the face of Ryder before delivering the Viking Experience on Hawkins for the win.

Result: The Viking Raiders def. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

Match rating: B

Bobby Lashley and Lana were at the restaurant still and Rusev came in and attacked Lashley before a group of policemen came and arrested him. Lana was screaming for him to be taken to jail after the brawl was broken up.

Velasquez made Benjamin tap out
Velasquez made Benjamin tap out

Rey Mysterio was back on RAW but was still injured from Lesnar's beating. He said that he was helping Velasquez train to face Brock at Crown Jewel before thanking the fans for their support.

Paul Heyman came on the Titantron to say that Lesnar was not about to lose for a second time and was seeking revenge against Cain Velasquez. Rey threatened Heyman back in Spanish before Shelton Benjamin came out to question Rey's motives.

Benjamin said that Lesnar was his family and started pushing Rey around. He knocked Rey around, not letting him speak before Velasquez came out. Benjamin went for the offensive and was taken out within mere minutes by the UFC fighter.

Segment rating: A

Seth Rollins was backstage and said that he had gotten inside the Feind's head for a change. He said that being inside the ring with the Fiend had changed him before facing Humberto for calling him out earlier. He offered Humberto a shot against him as his first match on RAW!

Seth Rollins vs. Humberto Carillo

A great show of respect from the champ
A great show of respect from the champ

Carillo went for an early rollup on Rollins and showed a lot of confidence. They traded holds until Humberto went for the rope break. Both men seemed equally matched and the rookie showed great promise before Rollins sent him into the barricades.

Rollins had control of the match after a break but Carillo hit some big moves to gain some momentum. Rollins hit a falcon arrow and then a knee for some near falls. Rollins got the Bucklebomb and then a Superkick but missed the stomp.

Humberto spiked Rollins with a DDT and then a moonsault but still no pinfall. Carillo dived into Rollins' feet and was pinned for the win.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Humberto Carillo

Match rating: A

After the match, Rollins showed his respect for the young man and shook his hand before leaving the ring.

Backstage, one of the Singh's were practicing their singing when R-Truth pinned him but it turned out to be the wrong brother.

The Street Profits vs. The OC

A huge debut from the Street Profits!
A huge debut from the Street Profits!

The Street Profits were out for their RAW debut and The OC taunted them for not showing up with a third partner. The match started with Ford and Anderson and the OC were not in control even though they were the bigger team.

Dawkins came in and took Gallows to the corner for some quick fists. The OC took control without AJ even having to step in the ring as we headed for another break. We returned to see Ford in trouble as the OC ganged up on him.

Dawkins came in with huge dropkicks and took the OC to the cleaners. Gallows and Dawkins took each other out and Anderson hit a spinebuster on Montez in the ring. AJ got involved and the Official was sending him backstage when Kevin Owens came in and hit a stunner on AJ. In the confusion, Ford hit the frog splash on Anderson in the ring for the win.

Result: The Street Profits def. The OC

Match rating: A

Episode rating: A

A great episode of RAW with more drama from Rusev and Lana and an appearance from Cain Velasquez. An amazing debut from Humberto Carillo stole the show but The Street Profits were not far behind.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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