WWE SmackDown Live Results 14th March 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

This episode of SmackDown was a landmark of sorts for AJ Styles 

SmackDown Live took place in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania this week. The show started off with AJ Styles confronting Daniel Bryan backstage. Styles threated to smack Daniel Bryan when he asked Styles to calm down. Bryan told Styles that Shane wasn’t there so Styles headed out to address the WWE Universe.

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AJ Styles addresses the WWE Universe

Styles was greeted by a huge pop by the fans in Pittsburg who chanted “AJ Styles”.

AJ came out and said that he had to “jump through hoops like a circus monkey” who just had to go ask Daniel Bryan for a title match and got it. Styles then added that he never got a one-on-one rematch after John Cena beat him. Instead he got the Elimination Chamber match which he almost won before having to face Randy Orton even though he ‘won’ the battle royal.

Styles then added that after the 2016 he had, he was the reason the fans were in the arena. After all this, he still didn’t have a match at WrestleMania. He then called out Shane, saying that they’d have a conversation about his career later on in the night.


Becky Lynch vs Natalya

Natalya turned on Becky last week when they were tag-team partners. That led to this week’s match between the two.

Becky and Natalya started off by locking up before Nattie backed off into the corner. When Natalya faced Becky again, Becky slapped her across the face before driving her out of the ring.

Becky was still on top when we came back from commercial but not for long. Natalya hit her with a bodyslam on the floor before rolling her back into the ring. She then hit a snapmare followed but a dropkick to the back. The ‘Queen of Harts’ then put Becky in a headlock.

Becky then dodged an oncoming Natalya who crashed into the corner turnbuckle before the duo traded punches. The ‘Lass Kicker’ then hit Natalya with a dropkick followed by an Exploder Suplex. Becky then transitioned into a Disarmer from the top rope as Natalya tapped out after brief resistance.

Becky Lynch def. Natalya

After the match, Carmella blindsided Becky and hit her with a Superkick as she was celebrating.


Miz TV with special guest John Cena

Miz starts off by introducing the “it” couple – himself and Maryse. He then added that he was giving an in-depth look into the frauds that were John Cena and Nikki Bella. Miz then showed footage from the previous week.

Miz then John Cena was the fakest person he’d ever met. Maryse then added that her and Nikki were best friends till Nikki stabbed her in the back. Maryse said that she was approached by Total Divas to sign up for the first season and she was about to sign when her “best-friend” Nikki Bella asked her not to take the contract.

Maryse added that Nikki promised to help her but ended up taking money and opportunity away from her. She then added that Nikki cheated and embarrassed her before sayng she’d expose Nikki as a “lying, backstabbing bitch”.

John Cena’s music hit at this point as he and Nikki Bella charged into the ring as Miz and Maryse scampered. Nikki took the mic and said that if she didn’t want Maryse in the WWE, she wouldn’t be there. Nikki then added that Maryse spent her time next to a spineless excuse for a man before challenging Maryse to a match.

Miz and Maryse then got ready to walk out when Daniel Bryan’s music hit. Bryan said that Miz promised a special edition of Miz TV and deliver and that made Bryan want to punch him in the face. Daniel then added that the fact that Miz knew Bryan wanted to punch him in the face and knew he couldn’t and took advtantage of it, made Bryan want to punch Miz in the face even more.

Bryan then said that he’d put Miz in a match with two people who could punch Miz before announcing a mixed-gender match for WrestleMania 33 – The Miz and Maryse vs John Cena and Nikki Bella.


Mickie James vs Alexa Bliss

Alexa and Mickie shoved each other before locking up in the collar and elbow. Mickie slammed Alexa into the mat as the two were still locked in the collar and elbow. Bliss kicked Mickie in the gut after the referee broke up the hold but Mickie hit back with a series of kicks.

Bliss then drove Mickie head-first into the turnbuckle before hitting her with the double knees to the back of the head. Mickie then threw Alexa out of the ring before Bliss sent her head-first into the ringpost before we headed to commercial.

Alexa Bliss was still in control when we came back but James quickly locked in a half Boston Crab. Bliss reached the bottom rope before Mickie James hit her with a single legged running dropkick followed by a Fisherman Suplex for the nearfall.

Mickie James then went to hit a corner forearm but Bliss caught her and slammed her into the mat. James hit back with a hurracanrana and a series of kicks before Bliss transitioned a body scissors into a pinning combination. Both women then kicked out of pinning attempts before Alexa Bliss almost knocked Mickie James’ lights out with a forearm.

Bliss then went to finish the match as she hit a double knee stomp before looking for the standing moonsault. James dodged the moonsault and hit Bliss with a Mick Kick before pinning her clean.

Mickie James def. Alexa Bliss


We cut to backstage after this as we saw AJ Styles lying in wait for Shane McMahon. We saw Shane coming out of his car before AJ viciously assaulted him, slamming him against a car as well as the wall. Styles then sent AJ Styles crashing head-first through a car window before Finlay interfered and drove Styles away.


We cut to the locker room as we saw The Usos and Curt Hawkins remonstrate Styles as he was leaving. Daniel Bryan then met him in the hall with cops, telling him that he was FIRED before asking him to vacate the premises immediately.

Mojo Rawley vs Dolph Ziggler

We then moved onto Dolph Ziggler taking on Mojo Rawley. Mojo started off strong, driving Ziggler into the turnbuckle before planting him face-first into the mat. Rawley then kept tossing Ziggler over the top rope before grabbing him by the hair and attempting to pull Ziggler back into the ring.

Dolph turned it into a guillotine before heading back in and hitting Rawley with a dropkick. However, Mojo tossed him out of the ring once again. An irate Ziggler refused to get back in the ring and walked away as the referee counted him out.

Mojo Rawley won by DQ


Randy Orton addresses Bray Wyatt

Randy Orton came out and told the fans that they could learn a lot from a viper. He lay in wait for Bray Wyatt for months as he devised a plan to get close to Bray and become a member of his family as he got closer and closer. He then screwed Bray when the time was right.

Randy added that he had to become a way to become even more sadistic then before. He said that the one thing Bray Wyatt loved was Sister Abigail and as he saw her grave burn, he saw fear in Bray’s eyes not that he was truly alone.

However, he said that the job wasn’t yet over and he needed to finish what he started. At WrestleMania, Randy promised to take everything from Bray.

At this point, Bray appeared on the Titantron. He said that Randy was right, he was stripped of his power till he found his way back home. Wyatt said that Sister Abigail was the spawn of Satan and she was born in hell itself before adding that she had now bestowed her power on him. It was now his duty to purge the infidels and he would start with Randy Orton.

Wyatt finished off by saying that he was born again now and used Sister Abigail’s ashes to baptize himself.


American Alpha vs The Usos

Chad Gable and Jey Uso started us off. Gable took control early and tagged in Jordan. Jordan was all over Jey Uso who scrambled to tag in his brother as we headed to commercial with the crowd chanting “we want Angle”.

We came back from commercial to see Jimmy Uso in control of Jason Jordan. Jimmy tagged in Jey as they hit Jason Jordan with a double-team maneuver before Jimmy tagged himself in once again. Jimmy had Jordan in headlock as he struggled to get on his feet and tag Gable back in.

Jimmy Uso then went for a spear in the corner which Jason Jordan dodged. Both men then made tags as Chad Gable came in and hit Jey Uso with a German Suplex. He followed it up with a belly-to-belly suplex to Jimmy Uso followed by another German Suplex to Jey Uso.

Gable then tagged in Jordan before heading to the top rope. American Alpha looked to make hit a double-team maneuver when Jimmy Uso knocked gable off the top turnbuckle before hitting Jason Jordan with a Superkick.

Jey Uso took advantage and pinned Jason Jordan for the win.

The Usos def. American Alpha



Shane McMahon came out after the match and announced that he would be AJ’s opponent at WrestleMania.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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