Jujutsu Kaisen, the immensely popular anime series based on Gege Akutami's manga, has garnered a massive following for its captivating storyline and stunning animation. However, the show's second season recently faced criticism for its poor animation quality in the highly anticipated Yuji Itadori vs Ko-Guy fight of the Shibuya Arc.
Fans took to social media platforms to express their disappointment, highlighting specific instances of subpar animation and discussing its impact on their viewing experience.
Fans enraged over bad animation quality in Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 Yuji Itadori vs Ko-Guy fight
Fans of Jujutsu Kaisen eagerly awaited episode 8 of season 2. The episode showcased a crucial battle between the main character, Yuji Itadori, and Ko-Guy, a formidable adversary from the Shibuya Incident. This confrontation held great importance in the overall storyline.
Unfortunately, fans were left disappointed by the animation quality during this scene. Many viewers took to X (formerly Twitter) to express their concerns about the animation quality in the Yuji vs Ko-Guy fight. One tweet from @xDonutW highlighted issues such as dimming and ghosting effects, which they felt were more noticeable and inferior compared to previous episodes.
The user expressed frustration and questioned why the production committee did not provide streaming services with clean versions of the episode, free from these technical shortcomings.
Another tweet, attributed to user @DabiCumSponge, expressed similar sentiments. The user emphasized the challenge of deciphering the action amidst the cuts and questioned why subpar animation was delivered to viewers. This choice was particularly puzzling given its impact on the overall episode experience.
How fans reacted to the animation quality of episode 8 of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2
Many fans noticed specific moments in the episode where the animation was choppy, character models were inconsistent, and the choreography was unclear. These flaws affected their ability to fully appreciate the intensity and excitement of the battles, detracting from the intended emotional impact.
The animation quality criticisms surrounding the entire episode can be attributed to various factors. One potential reason is the time constraints faced by animation studios during production. When there's a demand for top-notch animation and tight schedules, compromises and shortcuts may be necessary, leading to adverse effects on the final product.
The allocation of resources could be a contributing factor to the varying quality of animation in different parts of the series. Some episodes or scenes may receive more attention and resources, resulting in inconsistencies. This uneven distribution can stem from budget limitations and scheduling conflicts.
It is worth mentioning that the animation quality of Jujutsu Kaisen has received widespread acclaim for its seamless movements, dynamic action sequences, and meticulous attention to detail. However, it is important to view the flaws observed in the Yuji vs Ko-Guy fight as an exceptional occurrence rather than a reflection of the overall excellence exhibited throughout the series.
Final thoughts
The animation quality of the Yuji vs. Ko-Guy fight in episode 8 of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 has disappointed and sparked criticism among fans. Viewers have taken to social media platforms, flooding them with discussions about the issue. Many have expressed dissatisfaction with the dimming and ghosting effects, finding it difficult to follow the action overall.
Although valid criticisms exist, it is crucial to acknowledge that animation production encompasses numerous constraints and challenges. It is important not to judge an entire series based solely on the animation quality of a single fight scene. Throughout its duration, Jujutsu Kaisen has consistently delivered exceptional animation, ensuring that future episodes will likely meet the visual excellence anticipated by its fans.
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