My Hero Academia chapter 413 is set to be released on Monday, January 29, 2024. However, the spoilers for the same have already dropped online. With that, the manga series has finally confirmed that Tomura Shigaraki is stronger than Deku and One For All.
The previous chapter saw Deku trying to rescue Tenko Shimura from within Tomura Shigaraki. While Nana asked Deku to defeat Shigaraki, Deku was unwilling to give up on Tomura. Soon after, Kudou asked Deku to give up One For All.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the My Hero Academia manga.
My Hero Academia chapter 413 sees OFA confirm that Shigaraki is far stronger
On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, My Hero Academia manga leaker on X @RukasuMHA uploaded the spoilers for the upcoming My Hero Academia chapter 413. According to one of the spoilers, the second user Kudou confirmed that Tomura Shigaraki was too strong to be defeated. Hence, they needed to finish him off from the inside.
This meant that Deku, despite having One For All, was weaker than Shigaraki. Thus, there was no way Deku could defeat Shigaraki in a normal one-on-one fight. That is why Kudou ended up creating an alternate plan.
As per My Hero Academia chapter 413, Tomura Shigaraki had a mental wound that could not be cured by a quirk. Considering that the wound widened, Kudou aimed to have Deku lose One For All, allowing Shigaraki to take in all of OFA vestiges. This should allow the vestiges to work within Shigaraki and finish him off from the inside.
That said, with the latest updates from My Hero Academia chapter 413, it has become quite clear that Tomura Shigaraki is far stronger than Deku. While he was already quite strong, one of the previous chapters saw Shigaraki stealing Danger Sense from Deku. With that, Shigaraki was now able to counter oncoming attacks at him. Thus, Shigaraki who was already strong had now basically become invincible.
Will Deku become quirkless again?
My Hero Academia chapter 413 saw Deku agreeing to let go of One For All to defeat Tomura Shigaraki. Considering that Deku agreed to let go of his One For All quirk, there is a good chance that Deku will be quirkless again.
However, as per Kudou's plan, the One For All vestiges were set to transfer themselves into Shigaraki one by one. Thus, there also remained the possibility that OFA and Deku would be able to defeat Shigaraki before having to completely get rid of all vestiges. Therefore, despite the plan, there is a chance that Deku would lose a number of vestiges but not the One For All quirk itself.
Such a development would also explain why Deku refers to him as the greatest hero in the series' narration. Without a quirk, Deku would possibly not retain his position as a hero. Thus, he might likely at least retain his Quirk One For All or finally trigger his innate quirk. However, that is just a speculation.