My Hero Academia: Why removing Mineta from the story would change nothing, explained

Mineta is a very good support unit on the battlefield (Image via Studio Bones)
Mineta is a very good support unit on the battlefield (Image via Studio Bones)

My Hero Academia, the popular anime series created by Kohei Horikoshi. The show features various characters with unique abilities that have become fan favorites, such as the hot-headed Katsuki Bakugo and the electric Kaminari. However, one character who has become the subject of much debate among fans is Minoru Mineta, a purple-haired boy who has the ability to create orbs from his scalp that can stick to any surface.

Fans argue that removing Mineta's character from the story would not significantly impact the narrative, and that his presence is unnecessary. In this article, we'll explore the argument that eliminating Mineta's character would not result in any substantial changes to the core elements of the show and debate whether or not his inclusion is necessary for its success.

Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers for all the anime and character fates mentioned therein. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

Relevance of Mineta's character in My Hero Academia

The world of My Hero Academia, where heroes and villains clash in epic battles and characters undergo profound growth, one particular character has become a subject of controversy and debate among fans is Minoru Mineta, also known as Grape Juice. Many argue that Mineta's presence in the story is unnecessary and that removing him would have no significant impact on the overall narrative.

One of the primary arguments against Mineta's significance is the presence of other more compelling and influential characters in My Hero Academia. Characters like Izuku Midoriya, the main protagonist, possess a deeply layered narrative arc that drives the story forward. His growth and struggles to become the greatest hero captivate audiences of My Hero Academia. The removal of Mineta would have little impact on Midoriya's development or the overall trajectory of the narrative.

Similarly, Katsuki Bakugo, Midoriya's rival and a complex character in his own right, adds depth and conflict to the story. His relationship with Midoriya, filled with rivalry and eventual growth, contributes significantly to the emotional core of the series. Mineta's absence would not alter the dynamics between these two central characters or the overall exploration of their complex relationship.

Furthermore, characters like Shoto Todoroki, Ochaco Uraraka, and Tenya Iida all play integral roles in My Hero Academia. Todoroki's internal struggle with his powerful quirk and troubled family history, Uraraka's determination to prove herself as a hero, and Iida's unwavering sense of justice all contribute to the richness of the series. Their presence and growth are essential to the narrative fabric of My Hero Academia, making Mineta's removal inconsequential in comparison.

The series delves into the responsibilities of heroes, and the consequences of one's actions. These themes are explored through the collective experiences of the diverse ensemble cast, with Mineta's contributions paling in comparison to the weight carried by other characters. Removing Mineta would not disrupt the exploration of these fundamental concepts or the intricate web of relationships that exist within the story.

Indeed, Mineta has had his moments of comedic relief, and his quirk can sometimes be useful in certain situations. However, his behavior towards women and other characters, which is often portrayed in a perverted or inappropriate manner, has been a source of entrerainment for the anime.

While other characters in other anime series such as Jiraiya from Naruto and Sanji from One Piece may have similar flaws, they have shown a greater ability to grow and develop as characters. This is something that many fans argue Mineta lacks, and his inclusion in the series is becoming increasingly difficult to justify.

In conclusion, the argument that removing Minoru Mineta, aka Grape Juice, from My Hero Academia would have no significant impact on the story holds merit. The series thrives on the strengths of its other central characters, such as Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki, whose narratives drive the plot and captivate audiences.