Animation studio TMS Entertainment released an English-subtitled trailer for Baki Hanma season 2 on Thursday, May 11, 2023. The series, which is an adaptation of author and illustrator Keisuke Itagaki’s original Hanma Baki - Son of Ogre manga series, first premiered on Netflix on September 30, 2021.
The release of the Baki Hanma season 2 trailer shares the release date, release strategy, cast, theme songs, and adaptation material of the upcoming series. Especially exciting is that fans will see the second half of the second season release just one month after the first, which is officially confirmed with the trailer’s release.
Baki Hanma season 2 set to give titular character a new prehistoric foe to fight
As touched on above, Baki Hanma season 2 is set to be released by Netflix in two separate parts. The first will be the Tale of Pickle & The Pickle War Saga, followed by the series’ The Father VS Son Saga. The former is set to debut on July 26 (likely at 12 am Pacific Standard Time, as most Netflix series do), and the second on August 24 (again, likely at 12 am PST).
Takeshi Kusao is set to voice the former story arc’s eponymous character, who is a warrior from a “bygone, primitive age.” Nobuo Tobita voices Dr. Albert Payne, a scientist who is responsible for reviving Pickle. The series will also see returning cast and staff from previous seasons.
No other new characters have been announced for the second season as of this article’s writing, but this could change as future release information for both parts is made available.
Wagakki Band is set to perform the opening theme song, The Beast. UPSTART will perform the ending theme song, WILDER. It has not been specified if both parts of Baki Hanma season 2 will feature the same opening and ending theme songs or not.
Baki Hanma serves as the third Baki series on Netflix, and is a direct sequel to the Baki: Dai Raitaisai-hen series, which Netflix translates as Baki: The Great Raitai Tournament Saga. As mentioned above, the first season of the third series premiered in September 2021, meaning fans will have gone nearly two years since the franchise’s last anime upon season 2’s July 26 premiere.
Netflix describes the series as follows:
“The story finally unfolds into a full-blooded clash between Baki Hanma and his father, Yujiro Hanma, who is known as the "strongest creature on earth." The climax of the Baki universe, which depicted the "strongest parent-child brawl in history of the world" in the original manga, has been adapted into the long-awaited anime!”
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.