As part of Kuroko's Basketball anime's 10th-anniversary celebration, the series is set to collaborate with Gintama. The same was announced through their official Twitter pages in a video post, featuring two people dressed up as Gintoki Sakata and Kuroko Tetsuya themselves.
Kuroko's Basketball follows the story of Kuroko Tetsuya, the sixth Phantom member of the Generation of Miracles at Teiko Junior High. During high school, the members spilt apart, after which Kuroko decided to defeat all of them by teaming up with his new partner at Seirin High, Kagami Taiga.
Gintama and Kuroko's Basketball anniversary collaboration announced with hilarious skit
With the Kuroko's Basketball anime's 10th-anniversary celebration nearing its end, the anime has announced a collaboration with the Gintama anime.
The video post announcing the same saw a hilarious skit featuring two people dressed up as Gintoki and Kuroko, as the former looks forward to making some profit out of Kuroko's Basketball's celebration.
Thus, Gintoki is seen proposing an idea to work on a collaboration together. With Kuroko accepting the proposal, the two shared that more news surrounding the same will be announced on Monday, January 9, 2023.
What to expect from Gintama and Kuroko no Basuke's collaboration?
Given how Gintama as an anime has already parodied Kuroko no Basuke previously, fans can expect the two anime to announce a collaboration anime special.
It is not new for two anime to collaborate with each other for a special episode or a movie as something similar was seen in Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special!!.
The special was released in two episodes, Toriko episode 99, Run, Strongest Team! Toriko, Luffy, and Goku!, and One Piece episode 590, The Mightiest Collaboration in History vs. the Gluttonous of the Sea. Given how all three anime in the collaboration are animated by Toei Animation, the special did seem possible.
As for the collaboration anime between Gintama and Kuroko no Basuke, the animation studios for the two anime are different. While Gintama was animated by Sunrise, Kuroko no Basuke was animated by Production I.G. Thus, the chances of a collaboration anime did seem bleak.
However, there have been several instances as well where two anime had crossover content but were produced by different animation studios.
Some of the prime examples of such anime are Isekai Quartet anime, Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan special, and Fairy Tail X Rave OVA.