On Monday, September 18, 2023, the My Hero Academia television anime series announced a new special episode, titled UA Heroes Battle, which will screen in Japanese theaters. The official English Twitter account for the franchise also announced that the world premiere for the episode would take place at this year’s coming New York Comic Con event.
In addition to that, it was announced that the special My Hero Academia episode will be streamed internationally in several regions via Crunchyroll, including the United States. A brief description for the episode has also been shared, establishing that the episode will cover the events before the Endeavor Internship arc, which was seen in the anime’s fifth season.
The special episode will mark the first for the My Hero Academia anime series since the anime’s sixth season ended in early Spring 2023 after airing for 25 episodes. While a seventh season for the series has been confirmed, there has been no news on it beyond the fact that it is being produced.
My Hero Academia anime releasing a special episode suggests season 7 still a ways away
As mentioned above, the special My Hero Academia episode is set to screen in 10 Japanese theaters from Friday, October 20, through Thursday, October 26, 2023. The episode will have its world premiere in an English dub at this year’s New York Comic Con event on Friday, October 13, at 8 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) at the Javits Center’s Empire Stage.
Crunchyroll has already announced that they’ll stream the episode internationally in several regions. This includes the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Channel Islands, Malta, Gibraltar, the Isle of Man, Australia, New Zealand, Central and South America, Scandinavia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and French Southern and Antarctic Islands and Pacific Islands in the future.
As per the episode’s description, Mirio Togata introduces the Class 1-A students to the “Yuuei Heroes Battle” card game, which was created by the support class. Each student picks cards and joins the “fierce battle,” but they eventually realize that there’s more to the game than there initially seems to be.
A seventh season for the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia manga series has already been announced. Aside from that, the franchise has also announced a fourth film for the franchise, which fans speculate is being produced alongside the seventh season.
However, some fans are not happy with this because earlier, the fifth season’s production was done alongside the franchise’s third film. Following this, fans accused animation Studio Bones of prioritizing the film’s quality over the fifth season, with the latter admittedly being vastly inferior to its predecessors overall. Hopefully, fans won’t see history repeat itself with the anime’s upcoming projects.
Be sure to keep up with all My Hero Academia anime, manga, film, and live-action news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.