Oshi no Ko, a new anime series that debuted on April 12, 2023, has become the biggest anime premiere on the streaming platform HIDIVE, shattering the previous records of all the anime titles on the platform. Produced by studio Doga Kobo and exclusively airing on HIDIVE in North America, Oshi no Ko showcases the dark reality of the entertainment industry.
John Ledford, president of HIDIVE, claimed that the anime adaptation has overtaken all other anime on the streaming service and is now regarded as the "#1 series launch" in HIDIVE's history. The anime also led to the platform garnering an impressive amount of trial registrations.
Oshi no Ko has claimed the title of the number one anime on HIDIVE
HIDIVE is one of the best anime streaming platforms, with an extensive collection of anime series. Oshi no Ko, made its debut on the platform, which also airs the series exclusively in North America. After its premiere, HIDIVE recently announced in a press release that it has become the top anime series on the platform.
Oshi no Ko is the most streamed anime overall on the platform. It also topped the charts in terms of new launches and had the biggest premiere in HIDIVE history. The anime has also contributed to the platform garnering the most trial registrations in the streaming platform's history.
Oshi no Ko is an anime adaptation of a globally acclaimed manga series by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari. It moved the entire world with its first episode, which premiered on April 12. The episode was received positively by viewers worldwide and exceeded the expectations of all manga readers.
Although the anime started off with a comical tone, it soon took a turn, showcasing the dark side of the entertainment industry and the reality behind the glamorous world.
The portrayal of the protagonist, Ai's emotions and struggles have been particularly moving. The anime has also been successful in capturing the beauty of motherhood and the process of learning to love.
The first episode of the ainme evoked different emotions in viewers throughout its 90-minute runtime. The tear-jerking ending is especially noteworthy. The episode was flawless in terms of animation, characterization, and plot. It touches on multiple sensitive social topics, making it a compelling watch.
With its impressive performance, the anime has now established itself as one of the best new anime series of the year and is being celebrated globally. It has surpassed major titles and broken many records since its release and is expected to continue to do so in the future.