Ranma ½ episode 6, released on November 10 in Japan, introduces the character of Kodachi Kuno, the Black Rose, and her challenge with Akane Tendo. The co-protagonist prepares to fight her in martial arts gymnastics but Ranma ends up getting involved in the conflict.
Moreover, Ranma ½ episode 6 continues to show the duality of his male and female versions as Kodachi falls in love with the former and ends up challenging the latter without knowing they are the same person. This is a running trope that the series is going to play out time and time again.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the series. Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda as a whole.
Ranma ½ episode 6 introduces Kodachi and Akane prepares to fight her
At the beginning of Ranma ½ episode 6, the female version of Ranma Saotome is walking through the streets when the protagonist notices Kodachi fighting a group of students. Ranma decides to step in to protect them.
Kodachi moves away and it is later revealed that these are the girls who go to school with Ranma, with them telling Akane Tendo that they need to face the former in martial arts gymnastics the next week and need her to step in for her because she is a better fighter.
Akane agrees to the proposition and is seen training and struggling, with Ryoga Hibiki returning to his human form to train her. It is late at night when is revealed that Kodachi found out about Akane being her next challenger and decides to go to the Tendo dojo at night to strike her down while sleeping.
The two young ladies begin to fight in Akane's room as Ranma is chasing P-Chan, Ryoga's pig form. It is through this battle that Akane and the audience get a better understanding of Kodachi's mindset, believing that a battle starts long before the bell rings.
Kodachi falls in love with Ranma and the challenges continue
The second part of Ranma ½ episode 6 focuses on how Kodachi falls in love with the protagonist. As Kodachi runs away from the dojo, she is hit on the head by Ranma in an accident and the latter picks her up to save her, with the young lady falling in love with him to the point of obsession.
The following day, Ranma and Akane go to school and they are attacked by Kodachi once again, who claims that she wants to see her "beloved Ranma". It is at this moment that Tatekwaki Kuno shows up and reveals that Kodachi is her sister, with the latter even challenging Akane for Ranma's place as their fiance.
While Akane does agree to the challenge, she gets injured and needs someone to step in, which leads to her and her sisters pushing Ranma to use his female version to fight.
Final thoughts
Ranma ½ episode 6 introduces one of the most popular characters of the series, that is, Kodachi and she does not disappoint the viewers. Moreover, the next episode is likely to feature her iconic battle with female Ranma, which is a major highlight from the manga.
Related articles:
- Ranma ½ anime complete release schedule: All episodes and when they arrive
- Ranma ½ episode 4: Ryoga is introduced and Akane loses it with Ranma
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