How to dominate close combat with shotguns in BGMI (August 2023)

Tactics to use to dominate close-range battles with shotguns in BGMI
Tactics to use to dominate close-range battles with shotguns in BGMI (Image via Krafton)

Close combat circumstances often make or break a match in the tough Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI). In close-quarters combat, shotguns stand out as strong weapons that can tip the battle in your favor. However, it is not easy to use them as it requires accuracy and persistence. You don't have to worry; we have compiled several tactics to dominate with this gun.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Tips to use shotguns in close encounters in BGMI

Selecting the right shotgun and attachments


The first step towards dominating close combat with shotguns in BGMI is to choose the perfect shotgun and equip it with suitable attachments.

Shotguns in BGMI are typically of two types: pump-action and semi-automatic. Selecting the kind that most closely matches your playstyle can have a big impact on your success because each type has unique advantages and disadvantages.

Attachments are essential for improving the performance of your shotgun. Prioritize attachments such as a choke to narrow the spread of pellets, increasing the likelihood of landing more pellets on target. A bullet loop attachment will speed up your reloads, giving you a major advantage in high-stress situations. Furthermore, a red dot or holographic sight can help you aim more precisely in the confusion of a close battle.

Positioning and movement


Positioning and movement are critical factors in winning close combat with shotguns in BGMI. By regulating the engagement distance and decreasing your exposure to opposing fire, effective positioning might give you the upper hand. Choose corners and openings in urban surroundings or structures that provide cover while allowing you to surprise opponents when they enter. Avoid open areas where you can be easily spotted and targeted from afar.

It is also critical to maintain fluid mobility. In close combat, strafing and crouch-jumping can make it difficult for opponents to hit you. Move in unexpected ways to throw opponents off guard and make it difficult for them to line up shots. Practice fast rotations to catch adversaries off guard when they try to flank you.

Aim and shot placement


The fundamental skills distinguishing a shotgun master from an average player in BGMI are aiming and shot placement. Targeting is critical because of the spread pattern of shotgun pellets, as you must ensure that the majority of pellets strike your target to deliver maximum damage.

Aim for the upper body and head to increase your chances of landing critical hits. Adjust your aim based on the distance between you and the target as the dispersion of pellets grows as you draw closer to your opponent.

Hip-firing can be useful, particularly when the enemy is nearby. Consider using aim-down sights for slightly longer ranges to improve accuracy and pellet concentration. To quickly eliminate opponents, combine quick reflexes with precision marksmanship.

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