5 worst BGMI mistakes to avoid in close combat (August 2023)

Mistakes to avoid in BGMI for beginners
Mistakes to avoid in BGMI for beginners (Image via Krafton)

Close combat engagements are defining moments of exhilaration and challenge in the dynamic realm of BGMI. These high-pressure situations need dexterity and strategic nous. Successfully navigating these situations is frequently the difference between triumph and defeat. The following insights will give players the tools they need to raise their chances of victory in the ever-competitive battlegrounds.

This article delves into the complexities of close combat in BGMI, shedding light on the essential blunders that must be avoided.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Poor movement, neglecting sounds cues, and more tips to avoid mistakes in BGMI for beginners

1) Poor movement and positioning


Movement and position are critical in the high-stakes realm of BGMI. One of the most common faults players make is being too predictable in their moves or failing to effectively use cover. Maintaining a continual state of movement is critical when participating in close combat to make yourself a difficult target for opponents. Occasionally strafing, crouching, and jumping can throw off opposing aim and boost your odds of survival.

Movement and proper positioning go hand in hand. Always be aware of your surroundings and take advantage of cover whenever available. Avoid open spaces since they expose you to snipers or attackers with better posture. Take advantage of trees, buildings, and natural terrain. This not only protects you from opposing fire but also allows for surprise strikes.

2) Overcommitting to fights


Close combat engagements can be dramatic and adrenaline-fueled, causing you to rush into fights without thinking about the odds in BGMI. Overcommitting to fights without assessing the situation is a common blunder that can rapidly turn disastrous. Before engaging, consider the enemy's skill level, equipment, and positioning. If you are outnumbered or outgunned, it can be prudent to withdraw and regroup.

Furthermore, the third-party factor in BGMI should be considered. Prolonged combat can draw the attention of other neighboring teams eager to exploit weakened opponents. Being aware of your surroundings and any hazards can assist you in determining when to push and when to back down.

3) Neglecting sound cues


The audio design in BGMI is extremely immersive, and sound cues play an important role in gaining an advantage in close combat. Footsteps, gunshots, and vehicle noises provide useful information about adversary movements and positions. Ignoring these auditory cues can result in missed opportunities and unanticipated ambushes.

If you want to fully appreciate the game's sounds, invest in a good pair of headphones. You'll be able to judge your opponent's distance from you, as well as the direction they're heading in and the weapons they're using. You can predict opponent movements, pre-aim at probable entry sites, and gain an advantage in close quarters by paying attention to sound in BGMI.

4) Lack of communication


BGMI is a team game in which strong communication is critical to victory. Failure to communicate with your team can lead to miscommunication, missed opportunities, and a lack of synergy. To convey critical information to your teammates, always use in-game voice or text chat.

Before entering combat, call out enemy positions, notify your squad of incoming dangers, and discuss your plan. A simple callout concerning opposition activity or a planned tactic can significantly improve your team's performance. Remember, a well-coordinated group with open communication is considerably more likely to win in close combat conditions.

5) Ignoring grenades and utility


In BGMI, grenades and utility items like smoke and flashbangs are frequently underutilized equipment that can tip the scales in close combat encounters. Ignoring these objects means passing up valuable chances to confuse foes, create distractions, or drive opponents out of cover.

Experiment with grenades in your combat plan. A well-placed frag grenade can cause foes to reposition themselves or flush out of the cover. Smoke grenades can be used to hide yourself, allowing you to move forward or escape without being noticed. Flashbangs can briefly blind enemies, allowing you to strike while they're distracted.

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