5 best-selling Genshin Impact character banners as of 2022

Three notable characters for this list
Three notable characters for this list (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact is an insanely profitable game with a bevy of character banners that have made a ton of money as of 2022. This list will highlight some of the best-selling character banners of all time. Anything from 2020 and 2021 is fair game here.

Note: This data comes from Genshin Lab and only accounts for Chinese iOS players since there is no aggregated data for every banner on every device and region. All revenue numbers presented below are in USD.

These are the five best-selling Genshin Impact character banners in the Chinese iOS market (2022)

5) Yelan and Xiao in version 2.7

Yelan and Xiao (Image via HoYoverse)
Yelan and Xiao (Image via HoYoverse)

Revenue: $32,177,144

The first entry on this list is Yelan's debut and Xiao's rerun in Genshin Impact 2.7. Paimon.moe data shows that most players pulled for Yelan over Xiao (254,472 Yelans vs. 96,915 Xiaos). Yelan is an incredible character in the current metagame and has a terrific design, so it's understandable why the revenue is this high.

4) Raiden Shogun in version 2.1

Raiden Shogun (Image via HoYoverse)
Raiden Shogun (Image via HoYoverse)

Revenue: $33,020,905

Raiden Shogun's debut banner in Genshin Impact 2.1 is one of two solo banners in the top five best-sellers on this list. The hype for the Electro Archon was through the roof, so it's no surprise that she made a huge impact when she finally became playable.

If this list were just based on the standard 21-day cycle, then this would have been the best solo 5-star banner in Genshin Impact history and ranked third overall.

3) Raiden Shogun and Kokomi reruns in version 2.5

Raiden Shogun and Kokomi (Image via HoYoverse)
Raiden Shogun and Kokomi (Image via HoYoverse)

Revenue: $33,560,259

The Raiden Shogun shows up for the second time on this list. It is vital to mention that she will also have another banner in version 3.3. Her banner in the upcoming update will likely do very well, although it will only be available partway into 2022 before finishing in 2023.

Kokomi's first banner was one of the worst-performing character banners in Genshin Impact history, only making $7,020,975 in version 2.1. Paimon.moe data suggests that the majority of players pulled for Raiden Shogun over Kokomi in Genshin Impact 2.5 (251,687 Raiden Shoguns vs. 67,235 Kokomis).

2) Nahida and Yoimiya in version 3.2

Nahida and Yoimiya (Image via HoYoverse)
Nahida and Yoimiya (Image via HoYoverse)

Revenue: $34,017,290

Nahida is the most recent Archon to be introduced in Genshin Impact, and her banner was a huge success. Yoimiya was also having a rerun at the same time, but Paimon.moe data shows that the overwhelming majority of players pulled for Nahida over Yoimiya (197,906 Nahidas vs. 14,404 Yoimiyas).

This sales figure is extremely impressive for a banner that only lasted for 16 days rather than the usual 21 days. It is worth mentioning that Nahida and Yoimiya's Event Wishes were the last ones to have concluded at the time of writing this article.

1) Ayaka rerun in version 2.6

Ayaka (Image via HoYoverse)
Ayaka (Image via HoYoverse)

Revenue: $35,939,066

It might surprise new players that an Ayaka rerun would be number one. However, there is a very valid reason why she made way more money than any other character banner in the game's history.

Version 2.7 got delayed due to COVID lockdowns, which meant that version 2.6's second phase got extended. This rerun lasted for 42 days, which is double the length that every other banner received. This figure is only a slight increase over Nahida's debut, which lasted for 16 days.

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