5 best support champions in League of Legends pre-season 2023

The best support champions to play in League of Legends pre-season 2023 (Image via Riot Games)
The best support champions to play in League of Legends pre-season 2023 (Image via Riot Games)

The support role in League of Legends is arguably one of the hardest in the entire game. Supports are tasked with helping the ally ADC, harassing enemies, roaming for objective control, and also occasionally helping both the midlaner as well as toplaner.

As it happens, there are only a few champions who have been doing this exceptionally well in pre-season 2023. Hence, a list of five such support champions has been provided in this article along with a brief discussion.

However, it is important to note that just because only five champions have been presented here does not mean others do not work well. Once inside the summoner's rift, it all comes down to being comfortable, rather than forcefully picking the meta champions who do not suit your play style.

Morgana and 4 other support champions to pick in League of Legends pre-season 2023

1) Lux


Lux is arguably one of the easiest and deadliest support champions to play in League of Legends pre-season 2023. She can root enemies in places, harass them, chunk them down in lanes, and also protect allies with a shield when need be.

Apart from that, she also has a powerful ultimate with a good range that can demolish low-health bar enemies with ease. One of the best things about Lux is that she scales very well in the late game. This means that despite being a support, she can also deal a lot of damage, which also makes her quite new-player-friendly.

Lux currently sits with a 50.96% win rate across all ranks in League of Legends.

2) Blitzcrank


Blitzcrank is another strong support pick in the current meta of League of Legends. His special ability is the hook where he can catch unaware enemies off-guard and put them in precarious positions.

Blitzcrank's hook ability also creates a mental advantage in the laning phase as the opposition ADC has to consistently think about its positioning. However, he is also quite tanky, which makes him an ideal frontliner for both during the laning phase as well as team fights.

As of now, Blitzcrank is sitting with a 50.36% win rate across all ranks, which clearly shows the impact that he is having on the support role.

3) Morgana


Morgana is another support unit in League of Legends that is focused toward rooting the enemy and harassing them with her skills. Her first three abilities, namely Q, W, and E are very similar to Lux as they perform the same task.

The difference in Morgana's kit comes from her ultimate, where she binds enemies through chains and stuns them. This is a good ultimate for setting up kills. Although, players need to walk up to the enemy in order to make it happen.

Morgana currently sits with a 51.16% win rate in League of Legends.

4) Nami


Nami is a pretty decent enchanter support in League of Legends. She can heal allies, lock down enemies, and has very good crowd control on account of her ultimate.

However, Nami's synergy is not as optimal with most ADC units. She is primarily used as a support for Lucian and that combo is considered one of the strongest in the entire game.

Nami currently sits with a 52.25% win rate, which is quite good, but that is also due to the fact that Lucian is one of the strongest ADC units in the game.

5) Swain


The final character on this list, Swain, is a strong pick in the support role as of now. He has a pretty reliable stun and can deal a lot of damage in the early game.

Once he reaches level 6, Swain becomes a monster and can be a game-changer in team fights. He can suck the health out of enemies (literally) similar to a vampire, which makes him annoying to play against.

This champion currently sits with a decent 51% win rate across all ranks, which is a clear sign of his reliability as a support.

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