5 best support champions to pair with Ezreal in League of Legends

Best support champions to pair with Ezreal in League of Legends (Images via Riot Games)
Best support champions to pair with Ezreal in League of Legends (Images via Riot Games)

League of Legends offers something to anticipate with every new season. There is never a dull time on the Rift because of the constant addition of new champions, gear, and patch notes.

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, is one of the most well-known ADCs in the game. He has a reputation for being a troublemaker and is a reasonably challenging marksman. Ezreal needs support on the Rift, just like any other ADC, who can work well with his abilities and lessen the drawbacks of this champion.

While there are 35 support champions in League of Legends, not all of them complement Ezreal well. These are League of Legends' top supports to team up with Ezreal.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Soraka and 4 other Support champions that give Ezreal a much-needed boost in League of Legends

5) Bard

Bard, The Wandering Caretaker (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Bard, The Wandering Caretaker (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)

Ezreal and his team benefit significantly from Bard's support. He can slow and stun his opponents with Cosmic Binding (Q), and the Caretaker's Shrine (W) heals the first ally to cross it. The Wandering Caretaker can also help Ezreal engage and disengage opportunities with Magical Journey (E).

Furthermore, it makes it possible for Bard to move around the map more effectively and freely. Ezreal can farm the lane, gain solo experience and gold, and utilize the healing shrines that Bard has left behind, which is terrific for his team and personally.

Ezreal and Bard may stun and deal more damage to their enemies once they obtain their core items, resulting in flawless snowballing.

4) Amumu

Amumu, The Sad Mummy (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Amumu, The Sad Mummy (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)

A popular League of Legends off-meta support that has regularly appeared in both professional and amateur games is Amumu. When coupled with Ezreal, he offers first-rate defensive and engagement opportunities. Bandage Toss (Q) and Curse of the Sad Mummy, two of Amumu's attacks, can make his opponents unconscious (R).

These stuns can be used by Ezreal on his foes to deal damage. Additionally, it makes it simpler for Ezreal to use his ultimate Trueshot Barrage against his opponents (R).

3) Taric

Taric, The Shield of Valoran (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Taric, The Shield of Valoran (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)

Taric may not be everyone's first option for support, but ADCs like Ezreal benefit significantly from having him. In addition to being robust, Taric can stun enemies with Dazzle (E). As a result, Ezreal can comfortably do some damage to his opponents before utilizing Arcane Shift (E) to flee without getting hurt.

Additionally, Taric can heal with Starlight's Touch (Q), passively boost an ally champion's armor with Bastion (W), and increase the team's durability by temporarily rendering them immune to damage with Cosmic Radiance (R).

League of Legends' favorite Shield of Valoran has a kit that works well with Ezreal and is excellent for laning and team fighting.

2) Seraphine

Seraphine, The Starry-Eyed Songstress (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Seraphine, The Starry-Eyed Songstress (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)

Seraphine is a competent mid-lane champion who can also play exceptionally well as a support for Ezreal. The Starry-Eyed Songstress can offer damage, CC, and healing, and she can use any combination to fit her ADC's playstyle.

The two are fantastic in the lane at playing both offensively and defensively. With Seraphine's long-range High Note (Q) and Beat Drop (E), Ezreal can be poked, peeled, slowed down, and stunned. Her ultimate Encore gives Ezreal an excellent starting point for his abilities, notably his ultimate, which, if timed perfectly, might result in free kills.

1) Soraka

Soraka, The Starchild (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Soraka, The Starchild (Image via Riot Games - League of Legends)

Soraka is one of the best League supports because she can aid her ADC and the rest of the team with her healing. Ezreal should be cautious and take it easy in the early game until he gets his Arcane Shift (E) and makes a few item purchases. Since Soraka is more of a sustain-support, this lane is all about scaling, farming, and poking.

Ezreal can play more aggressively after Soraka, and he has their core items. To the chagrin of the enemy, Soraka can stun them with Equinox (E) or heal them with Astral Infusion (W), both of which can assist in keeping Ezreal alive.

Ezreal has more chances to deal damage while enjoying a safer laning experience thanks to Soraka and her healing.

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