5 common mistakes beginners make in Genshin Impact (2022)

Everybody has to start from somewhere (Image via Genshin Impact)
Everybody has to start from somewhere (Image via Genshin Impact)

Many common mistakes that Genshin Impact beginners make are easy to avoid.

It's one of the most popular video games in the world right now, so there are always plenty of beginners checking it out. Some of them will blindly play the title and learn on the go, while others will have no idea of where to start.

Naturally, some Genshin Impact players will make mistakes at the start of the game. Fortunately, they're easy to rectify.

Five common but easy-to-avoid mistakes that beginners tend to make in Genshin Impact (2022)

5) Always using food to heal

Any Statue of the Seven will do (Image via Genshin Impact)
Any Statue of the Seven will do (Image via Genshin Impact)

Using food to heal is fine when the user is in a fight, but they ought to use other healing sources when they're not in danger. Otherwise, they will have to cook more food than usual, which can waste supplies, which is easily avoidable.

Beginners should consider using a Statue of the Seven to heal. It will cure players either by standing next to it or using the "Statue's Blessing" option. Statues of the Seven's healing capabilities recharge over time, so gamers don't have to worry about wasting it.

It is recommended to turn on "Auto-recover when nearby" and select 100% for convenience. Alternatively, they can use a healer to heal themselves (such as Barbara's Elemental Skill).

4) Holding the Sprint button


It's one of the most common mistakes beginners make in Genshin Impact. Holding the Sprint button is good in other games where the character has slow acceleration. However, Genshin Impact characters have a fast dash before slowing down to their sprinting speed.

Hence, it's best to try and repeatedly press the Sprint button. Beginners will cover more distance this way and should always use it whenever possible. They will eventually get the rhythm down.

3) Always jumping while climbing

Some areas are too high for beginners with no stamina upgrades to constantly jump upward (Image via Genshin Impact)
Some areas are too high for beginners with no stamina upgrades to constantly jump upward (Image via Genshin Impact)

Having the ability to jump in several directions while climbing can be helpful in this game. However, it costs players a sizable chunk of their stamina, and abusing it will make them fall or have to waste food that refills their stamina.

Simply holding a button in the direction that the user wishes to go can be more efficient in the long run, especially if they plan to scale up high mountains. Beginners have to be smart about when they press the jump command while climbing.

If they run out of stamina, they won't be able to glide. Naturally, this will likely lead to a character fainting.

2) Summoning on the standard and weapon banner

What the standard banner looks like (Image via Genshin Impact)
What the standard banner looks like (Image via Genshin Impact)

Beginners looking for new characters should try rolling on one of the limited-time character banners rather than the standard banner (Wanderlust Invocation). Likewise, weapon banners are more useful once gamers have all the characters they need.

At the beginning of the game, Travelers won't have many characters. Thus summoning for more weapons will eat up their Primogems while leaving them without many new characters.

Limited-time character banners are a better early investment. They can give users a 5-star character that isn't available under Wanderlust Invocation. Plus, all 5-star characters under Wanderlust Invocation can appear under the limited-time character banners.

1) Trying to level up every character at once

It's fine to leave some characters under-leveled (Image via Genshin Impact)
It's fine to leave some characters under-leveled (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact has a wonderful cast full of lovable characters. However, it's inefficient for beginners to spend all of their resources trying to max out every character simultaneously. It's better to focus on one DPS unit that can carry the player in the early game and then spread it to four characters to form a team.

Trying to get level-up materials for every single character will quickly eat up a gamer's time, especially since they only need four characters for a team. Some Ascension Materials are also hard to come by for beginners, so they need to use them wisely.

Also, some characters can still perform a valuable role even if they're under-leveled. For example, Amber can still be used to light torches even at Level 1.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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