All League of Legends players and associated champions who can receive a skin if T1 wins Worlds 2022

Faker might choose an Akali skin if he wins his fourth World Championship title (Image via Riot Games)
Faker might choose an Akali skin if he wins his fourth World Championship title (Image via Riot Games)

T1 is one of the teams that qualified for the semi-finals of League of Legends Worlds 2022. If the team reaches the finals and wins, the players can select five champions who will receive unique skins under the T1 name.

This article dives into players from T1, and the associated champions eligible to receive skins if they win the tournament have been listed in detail. It is important to remember that this list only contains champions who have successfully qualified through the minimum requirements necessary to be considered for a skin.

T1 getting another set of skins will be pretty massive, as this organization already has three of them. Amongst those three, Faker is one name that has remained constant, and he is still playing at Worlds 2022. Hence, it would be a massive achievement for Faker to have four skins under his name in the game if he wins the tournament.

Every player and associated champion from T1 who are eligible for team skins if they win League of Legends Worlds 2022

Before putting forth a list of players and associated champions from T1, it would be best to review the rules once regarding eligibility for League of Legends World Championship skins.

When it comes to player eligibility, the following rules apply:

  1. The player must have participated in at least 2 group stage games in a way where they had an impact on the team's advancement toward the knockout stages
  2. The player has to participate in at least one knockout stage game (Quarter, Semi, Finals)

However, the rules do not end here, as there are a few rules about champion eligibility. The rules are as follows:

  1. The champion must have been played by the concerned player at least once during the tournament
  2. If the player already possesses a skin for that champion from a previous World Championship victory, they might be asked to choose another champion

These rules were implemented by Riot Games in 2018 and are strictly followed even today. Since the rules are out of the way, it is time to provide a list of players and champions from T1 who can get the skins.

List of players and champions from T1 eligible for Worlds 2022 skins

The list of eligible champions and players from T1 who can get the skin if they win League of Legends Worlds 2022 are:

  • Zeus (Top): Aatrox, Camille, Fiora, Gangplank, Jayce, Jax, Yone
  • Oner (Jungle): Graves, Lee Sin, Sejuani, Viego
  • Faker (Mid): Akali, Lissandra, Sylas, Viktor
  • Gumayusi (Bot): Aphelios, Ashe, Kai'Sa, Kalista, Lucian, Sivir, Varus, Xayah
  • Keria (Support): Alistar, Heimerdinger, Nami, Renata Glasc, Soraka, Tahm Kench, Thresh, Yuumi

Thus, it is safe to say that there are quite a few fan-favorite champions that might be getting T1 skins if they win League of Legends Worlds 2022. Faker Akali will be the cherry on top if it happens.

It is also important to remember that one of the League of Legends Worlds 2022 skins will get a prestige version. This is something that will happen for the first time, which raises the stakes concerning the final week of the tournament.

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