Destiny 2 Iron Banner changes for next season: New seal, game mode, and more 

New upcoming map in Crucible (Image via Bungie)
New upcoming map in Crucible (Image via Bungie)

The next season of Destiny 2 is a little over a week away, and players still don't know the theme it will be based on. However, with the recent weekly blog post, TWAB (This Week at Bungie), the company has announced some key changes that will be implemented in the next season of Iron Banner.

With Saladin's newest rankings among the Cabals, players will be disheartened to hear about the Iron Banner's runtime. In Season 17, everyone will get the Iron Banner event only twice, one being in week 2 on May 31, and the other in week 8 on July 12.

It is safe to say that the recent changes in the 6v6 PvP activity have diverted its focus from being competitive to gear farming. The following article breaks down all the changes that are being implemented in the Iron Banner with Season 17.

All Iron Banner changes fans can expect in Destiny 2 Season 17 (2022)

1) Reputation changes

Reputation gain in Iron Banner of Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Reputation gain in Iron Banner of Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

As many might already know, Iron Tokens will cease to exist from Destiny 2 Season 17, similar to how Gunsmith Materials did for Banshee's changes. Instead, players will be getting a revamped version of the vendor's rewards, through reputation rankings. This will work fairly similar to changes to Saint-14 and Shaxx's inventory.

During the Guardian's playtime inside the Iron Banner, they can level up and unlock Iron Engrams alongside cosmetic rewards and materials. Lord Saladin will be getting a full-focus rework as well, where the acquired Iron Engrams can be converted into exclusive weapons and armor in the loot pool.

Bungie has also promised to bring back legacy gear in future seasons. The following are some points to get an idea of how the reputation system will work:

  • Each match will earn more towards Iron Banner's reputation just by playing.
  • Winning matches will earn bonus ranks towards reputation.
  • Equipping Iron Banner armor and weapons will lead to bonus gaining of ranks.
  • Completing new daily Iron Banner challenges will grant a 100% challenge multiplier boost for the rest of the week.
  • Using an Iron Banner emblem will also grant an extra 10% boost.

The daily challenge needs to be done by veterans and new players alike, which will be an introductory quest for the new Iron Banner system.

2) New game mode

Rift game mode rules in Destiny 2 Season 17 (Image via Bungie)
Rift game mode rules in Destiny 2 Season 17 (Image via Bungie)

After five years of Control, Bungie will be bringing in a new game mode from Destiny 1 to Iron Banner, called Rift. Each team usually has a rift in their spawn, which can be destroyed by a Guardian via a Spark that spawns in the middle of the map. This Spark carrier has 72 seconds to deposit it in the opponent's rift to score.

Holding the Spark for too long will detonate it, where allies can revive any downed teammates. Points won't be granted on kills, they will only be granted upon depositing the Spark. During Iron Banner, the hunt will be active when one team picks up the Spark. The Rift game mode will be available inside the normal Crucible as well.

Starting Season 18, players will get the Rift game mode via rotating playlists, similar to Clash, Mayhem, Momentum Control, and many more.

3) Seal

Iron Banner sigil (Image via Destiny 2)
Iron Banner sigil (Image via Destiny 2)

Players can get a seal bound to the Iron Banner activity, starting Season 17. Since the Iron Banner will only be available to players twice during the next season, getting the new Iron Lord seal will require a lot more effort and time. Those able to gather the Iron Lord seal will be able to gild it in Season 18.

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