Destiny 2 Master Nightfall guide (September 28 to October 5): Proving Grounds

Destiny 2 Proving Grounds Nightfall strike (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 Proving Grounds Nightfall strike (Image via Bungie)

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost has a total of six Nightfall strikes for Guardians to participate in. While Season 14 provided some easy-going activities for the Vanguard, this season saw the complete opposite in the Nightfall tally. From Corrupted to Proving Grounds, Guardians can't seem to catch their breath as each week in Season 15 throws in the most difficult strikes in the game.

Starting next week on October 5, Guardians will have access to the toughest PvE activity in Destiny 2, the Grandmaster Nightfall. Everyone will be taking full advantage this week to grind and get the best possible pinnacle gear, more so with the Iron Banner being active.

Destiny 2 Proving Grounds Master Nightfall: Enemies to expect and recommendations for overcoming them

1) Modifiers and enemies

Ignovun, Final boss of the Nightfall strike, Proving Grounds (Image via Bungie)
Ignovun, Final boss of the Nightfall strike, Proving Grounds (Image via Bungie)

Proving Grounds is a cabal-based strike introduced in Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen. Guardians have to push through a massive cabal fleet against Caiatl's forces. At the start of the strike, there will be a few vex harpies with the arc elemental shields, but most of the cabal enemies will consist of Solar and Void Shields. Therefore, it is recommended to carry at least one solar and one void weapon for each fireteam member.

The Champion enemies in this Nightfall strike will be Barriers and Unstoppables. This limits the inventory of Guardians to one Auto Rifle and a Fusion or Linear Fusion Rifle.

The modifiers for the Destiny 2 Proving Grounds Master are more or less the same as the Corrupted. Being one of the longest strikes in the game, it throws in the "Famine" debuff, which additionally reduces the ammunition drop for Guardians. Everyone, therefore, has to make their builds accordingly, depending on elemental skills, modifications and primary weapons.

2) Weapons and builds

Vex Mythoclast Fusion Rifle (Image via Bungie)
Vex Mythoclast Fusion Rifle (Image via Bungie)

With Unstoppable Champions, Solar Shields and the Particle Deconstruction mod, solar-infused Fusion Rifles are the primary choice for this Nightfall strike. Be it the Vex Mythoclast, One Thousand Voices or the legendary Cartesian Coordinate, Guardians will aim to get rid of the Unstoppable Champions as quickly as possible.

With limited options for Kinetic Fusion Rifles in Destiny 2, the Auto Rifle is recommended in the kinetic section to counter the Barrier Champions. Depending on the elemental weapon in the energy slot, players can go for a Void Linear Threaded Needle with Vorpal Perk or One Thousand Voices. This will deal increased damage to bosses and take care of the Champions.

Ward of Dawn by Zavala (Image via Bungie)
Ward of Dawn by Zavala (Image via Bungie)

In terms of class, the Warlock's Attunement of Grace, the Hunter's Void Tether and the Titan's Ward of Dawn are good combinations of sustained low-value clearing and additional boss damage. Exotics such as Eye of Another World, Orpheus Rig and Helm of Saint-14 are decent picks as well.

The Nightfall weapons for this week are Hothead and Hung Jury SR4.

Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.

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