Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher Dungeon details: Release date, time, gears, encounters, and more 

Destiny 2 upcoming Dungeon (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 upcoming Dungeon (Image via Bungie)

Destiny 2's newest Dungeon, Spire of the Watcher, is only one reset away from hitting the official servers. As announced in Bungie's official blog post, players will need to complete the free introductory mission in The Witch Queen to gain access. However, this activity is not free, as it is gated behind either the deluxe edition of the expansion or a Dungeon key from the Eververse store.

Aside from official announcements, there have been numerous leaks regarding the Dungeon. It seems the Dungeon will be Vex-themed from reputed sources, with Tex Mechanica weapons and armor sets. Players will be able to enter the Spire of the Watcher with December 9 reset at 9 am PDT.

What are the Destiny 2 Season 19 Dungeon details and everything you need to know?

1) Release date and time

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph's Spire of the Watcher Dungeon will be released with the daily reset on December 9 at 9 am PDT. Release times for all major regions are as follows:

  • India: 10:30 pm (December 9).
  • China: 1 am (December 10).
  • UK: 6 pm (December 9).
  • Australia: 3 am (December 10).
  • Brazil: 2 pm (December 9).

Typically, all weapons and armor pieces dropping from the Spire of the Watcher will be the pinnacle, as Duality will be moved to the rotator playlist.

2) Exotic

A Solar Bow called Hierarchy of Needs will be the Exotic for the Dungeon. Typically, players will be able to get this by completing the final encounter of the Dungeon, alongside cracking additional puzzles and steps for the catalyst.

While additional details are yet to be revealed, the Destiny 2 Exotic perk has been speculated to be called the Guidance Ring.

Additionally, the catalyst will allow players to fire arrows through the Guidance Ring, which will do increased damage based on the traveled distance. All projectiles shot through the ring will seek enemies.

Players should note that all perks and catalyst descriptions mentioned here are based on leaks, as nothing has been officially confirmed by Bungie yet.

3) Weapons and armor pieces

A few determined pictures of Dungeon weapons and armor pieces have been teased to be Tex Mechanica-themed. All three classes will get cowboy-themed armor, starting with helmets and class items.

Legendary weapons are designed along the lines of existing Tex Mechanica weapons, such as Dead Man's Tale, Last Word, Huckleberry, and many more. The images in the post given below include the upcoming Legendary weapons, including Sidearm, Scout Rifle, Submachine Gun, and more.

The leaked names for these weapons are as follows:

  • Long Arm Scout Rifle.
  • Into the Sunset Grenade Launcher.
  • Terminus Horizon Machine Gun.

Destiny 2 players will start on Mars and infiltrate an old facility. The encounters have been speculated to be "Spire's Ascent," "Persys, Primordial Ruin," and "Akelous, The Siren's Current."

4) Seal

The title upon completing all the Spire of the Watcher triumphs is called "Wanted". These objectives usually consist of completing all encounters solo, collecting special loot throughout encounters, achieving specific triumphs with subclasses, and many more.

Typically, there will also be a Master version of this Dungeon available for everyone.

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