Easiest way to get headshots in Black Ops Cold War

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Image via Activision

Headshots can be the trickiest yet most satisfying way to finish off an opponent in Black Ops Cold War.

Many weapon camo challenges in Black Ops Cold War require a vast amount of headshots with that weapon to complete the challenge. It can be a brutal and time-consuming task.

However, there are some things that players can do to land those headshots and finish off the challenges a lot quicker. Black Ops Cold War players putting these tips to use will be rocking those Gold, Diamond, and DM Ultra camos in no time.

The easiest way to get headshots in Black Ops Cold War

Class Setup

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Image via Activision

Having the right class setup is imperative. First off, selecting the right Perks will increase the ability to take an engagement. That then increases the chance to hit a headshot.

Forward Intel, Paranoia, Tracker, Scavenger, Cold Blooded, and Ninja are all amazing Perks for Black Ops Cold War players attempting the headshot challenges.

Forward Intel reveals respawning enemy locations. Paranoia advises when the player is being aimed at by an enemy out of view.

Tracker allows the player to see footsteps and hunt down an opponent. Scavenger replenishes ammo.

Cold Blooded will keep the player alive when AI-controlled Scorestreaks are called in. Ghost will keep the player off of the radar when a Spy Plane is called in.

Attachments that increase the control of the weapon are a must. The Microflex LED Optic may be the best choice. It has a nice clean crosshair that can pinpoint heads with ease. That Optic on the XM4 is a great way to start.

Modes and Maps

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Image via Activision

Selecting the right game mode and hoping that the right map gets voted for will help with obtaining headshots. Free-for-All is a great choice. There are plenty of enemies in close quarters. Domination is another good option. It is a longer lasting mode with plenty of opportunities to aim down the sights at unsuspecting opponents.

Core modes help more than Hardcore modes in Black Ops Cold War. In Hardcore, getting kills is easier, but the gun could easily hit them below the head. In Core, it takes longer to get kills, but there are more chances to adjust the aim so that the killing shot is a headshot.

For maps, there are some that work quite well for getting headshots. Nuketown 84, Checkmate, Crossroads, Garrison, Moscow, and Satellite are all top tier maps in terms of headshot chances. It is important to note that success also depend on what type of weapon is being used on these maps.

General Headshot Tips

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Image via Activision

The most obvious tip for landing headshots in Black Ops Cold War is to actually aim for the head. It can take some serious practice to get to the point where the crosshair remains at a head rather than at the body.

Speaking of practice, going into a custom game with bots turned on will help immensely. This is how a Black Ops Cold War player will be able to fine-tune their shooting habits so that headshots come more naturally.

Adjust the typical playstyle if necessary. If a player plays too fast, getting headshots may be difficult. Don't be afraid to slow things down and see if playing at a different pace helps.

Lastly, check the spawns. There may be the off chance that a player is AFK. That's a free headshot. There is nothing better than a free headshot when trying to complete these Black Ops Cold War challenges.

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