Genshin Impact 1.5 update date and banner prediction

Zhongli (Image via Mihoyo)
Zhongli (Image via Mihoyo)

Genshin Impact has a good amount of content coming up in its 1.5 update and players have a lot to look forward to when the update arrives later this month.

With a housing system, new boss, and new characters to wish for, players should be excited for this upcoming update. As usual, 1.5 will bring new banners to Genshin Impact, and while predicting what may be on the banners can be difficult, playerscan expect characters returning when the update releases.

When does update 1.5 release in Genshin Impact?

Update 1.5 should follow the usual schedule that miHoYo has set up for its patch releases, meaning the next update in Genshin Impact should be arriving on Wednesday, April 28th.

It is unknown how much content will release on the day of the patch, but players should have several events to look forward to, along with the release of the much awaited housing system. With only around 20 days remaining until the release of the new patch, players won't have to wait long to get new content for Genshin Impact.

Who will be on the banner in Genshin Impact 1.5:

All signs point to a Zhongli rerun at the beginning of update 1.5, as Genshin Impact has been pointing to this through both releasing new artifact sets that will greatly benefit the Geo Archon, and through leaked boss battles that feature his dialogue.

Zhongli's return will likely feature Yanfei, though the other two characters on the banner are up for speculation. It is likely that another Geo character will appear, meaning that Ningguang has a high chance of also featuring on the banner. Finally, the remaining slot may go to another Liyue character like Xiangling or Beidou.

Who will be on the second banner in Genshin Impact 1.5:

(Image via Dimbreath)
(Image via Dimbreath)

Eula is likely to be the second featured 5-star on Genshin Impact's 1.5 banner, and she will most likely bring with her several Mondstadt characters. There is the possibility of her banner featuring Diona, Bennett, or even some of the free 4-star units, though this has yet to occur in Genshin Impact. Not much is known about the contents of Eula's banner so far, but with leaks of 1.5 being constant, the chances of an update are high.

The 1.5 update to Genshin Impact is coming soon, and players should use this banner information to help prepare for the upcoming characters and content.

Also read: Genshin Impact 1.4 Primogems guide: How to collect over 8000 Primogems in April

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