Genshin Impact Nilou banner preparation guide: Ascension materials, Pity, and more

Nilou's release is set to arrive soon (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact leaks have placed Nilou in the latter half of the 3.1 update, which means that players will have plenty of time to prepare for her banner's arrival. Fans should make the most of this time by gathering Nilou's ascension materials early. This will allow them to begin using her as fast as possible. Getting her to level 90 will be important, given that she scales off of Max HP.

Fans can find a list of her ascension materials here, along with more information about her banner's release.

Nilou's ascension materials and more in Genshin Impact

Farming for Genshin Impact's upcoming 5-star Hydro character Nilou won't be too difficult now that players have access to Sumeru. Fans will want to begin gathering the materials she needs to reach level 90 now, though they won't be able to collect all of them due to her requiring parts from a boss coming in the 3.1 update.

Gamers who plan on summoning Nilou will need plenty of other materials though, so farming early will help a lot. Here's what she'll need to reach level 90 in Genshin Impact:

Varunada Lazurite Gemstones

To reach level 90, Nilou will need quite a few of these Hydro-infused gemstones. They can be gathered from most Hydro related bosses, with the easiest to farm being the Oceanid in Liyue and the Hydro Hypostasis in Inazuma. She'll need this many gems to reach max rank:

  • Varunada Lazurite Sliver x 3
  • Varunada Lazurite Fragment x 9
  • Varunada Lazurite Chunk x 9
  • Varunada Lazurite Gemstones x 6

Perpetual Caliber

Nilou will require items from the new Ruin boss, the fearsome Aeonblight Drake. This foe will utilize incredibly damaging attacks while maintaining the strong resistances that most Ruin enemies have. Unfortunately, this boss is not available yet and will likely only arrive when the 3.1 update drops. Players will be able to find this boss in Sumeru, and they'll want to start farming its materials once the update releases.



Nilou will require a regional specialty flower from Sumeru known as the Padisarah. These blue flowers can be found throughout the lush portion of Sumeru, though fans will want to unlock the full region before they begin farming them, as a good amount can be found in Vanarana.

Nilou will need 168 of these flowers to reach max level, and players will want to begin farming them now, as there are only around 70 in the world at a time, meaning they'll need to wait two days for a respawn to reach the full 168.

Floating Fungi drops


These floating enemies can be found throughout Sumeru and the Chasm, and Genshin Impact players will need to slay quite a few of them if they want to ascend Nilou to level 90. Luckily, locating them all isn't tough, and players can refer to the game's Adventurer's Handbook to track them down or use this video to collect over 350 materials easily. Here's what Nilou will need to reach level 90:

  • 18 x Fungai Spores
  • 30 x Luminescent Pollen
  • 36 x Crystalline Cyst Dust


Given that Nilou is a 5-star character, players will want to at least have around 90 rolls saved up for her if they do not have any pity built. This translates to 14,400 Primogems, and these gems can easily be gathered by exploring Sumeru and completing many of its quests and challenges.

Genshin Impact's pity guarantees a 5-star character after 90 pulls, but there is always the chance that players lose the 50/50 odds of the character being the featured unit. In the case of Nilou not being guaranteed, gamers may want to save up an additional 90 wishes, bringing the total to 28,800 Primogems.

Genshin Impact's upcoming 5-star character Nilou can provide a ton to a team, and players will want to be prepared to level her.

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