How to create greeting cards and get 60 Primogems in Genshin Impact: Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues guide

The Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues web event (Image via miHoYo)
The Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues web event (Image via miHoYo)

A new Genshin Impact web event was released today, surprising many players as the developers rarely deliver back-to-back web events. However, it was a pleasant surprise as the new web event, 'Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues,' also provides Primogems as rewards.

Travelers need to make a greeting card and complete other tasks to obtain Popularity Points and receive rewards from the web page during the event.

Create greeting card in Genshin Impact's Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues web event

The web event's main interface (Image via miHoYo)
The web event's main interface (Image via miHoYo)

Players above Adventure Rank 10 can participate in the event by visiting the link here. They may log in using their HoYoLAB accounts and choose the correct server and character so that the rewards will be given to the right Genshin Impact account.

Claim all the inspirations (Image via Genshin Impact)
Claim all the inspirations (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once gamers enter the main interface, a pigeon named Coocoo will give random inspirations. These inspirations are divided into three types: Background, Companions, and Other. Users can use the various inspirations to make a greeting card at the Crafting Station.

Decorate the greeting card (Image via Genshin Impact)
Decorate the greeting card (Image via Genshin Impact)

Travelers can change the background from the option above the greeting card. For the Companions, they can only choose one character for the card. Lastly, gamers can pick a maximum of six options for the Other decorations.

For the Companion and Other, their position can be adjusted from the 'Front and back' and 'Left and right' bars at the bottom right. This allows players to be more creative with their greeting cards.

Save and share the greeting card (Image via Genshin Impact)
Save and share the greeting card (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once the greeting card is done, gamers can click on the Save and Share button to continue. Multiple options can be enabled or disabled before sharing the card.

  • Show ID: Players' in-game nicknames will be visible in the Greeting Cards Collection.
  • Upload Greeting Cards Collection: The card will be added to the Greeting Cards Collection.
  • Share on HoYoLAB: The greeting card will be posted automatically in the player's HoYoLAB account under the topic of the 'Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues.'
Share the greeting card on HoYoLAB (Image via Genshin Impact)
Share the greeting card on HoYoLAB (Image via Genshin Impact)

Participants are recommended to share the greeting card on HoYoLAB at least once as they will receive an Event-Limited Avatar Frame 'Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues'. If they do not have a HoYoLAB account, they need to create one first, or the post will fail to be shared.

Complete tasks to get Popularity Points (Image via Genshin Impact)
Complete tasks to get Popularity Points (Image via Genshin Impact)

By sharing a greeting card, players will obtain ten Popularity Points, which can be accumulated every day until gamers receive all the rewards.

  1. Inspiration Obtained Today: 10 Popularity Points
  2. Make a Greeting Card: 10 Popularity Points
  3. Greeting Cards Shared Today: 10 Popularity Points
  4. Other People's Greeting Cards Viewed Today: 10 Popularity Points

Travelers need 100 Popularity Points before they can get 60 Primogems. In other words, they need to enter the web event's page and complete all the tasks for at least three days.


Besides the 'Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues', another web event was released yesterday called 'The Great Banquet of the Adepti'. Players who join the latter will receive 120 Primogems after unlocking all locations in the event's Serenitea Pot.

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