How to defeat the Fallingstar Beast in Elden Ring

This fight is on the tougher side of bosses (Image via FromSoftware)
This fight is on the tougher side of bosses (Image via FromSoftware)

The Fallingstar Beast is one of the most challenging bosses in the first half of Elden Ring, and there aren't many fights that come close in terms of frustration. To make matters worse, there are two entirely different fights that involve a normal beast and a full-grown Fallingstar Beast.

Both fights are entirely different because one allows for the Torrent Mount, while the other is in an enclosed space. Regardless of the area, the mechanics of the boss are still the same. It's also a hard battle to overcome, especially for players that are relatively underleveled. Preparations will certainly assist, but there will still be plenty of attacks to worry about.

Fighting the Fallingstar Beast in Elden Ring

Prepare for a long fight (Image via FromSoftware)
Prepare for a long fight (Image via FromSoftware)

Overall, the Fallingstar Beast appears to be set up as a mounted fight in Elden Ring, especially with all of the charge attacks that the boss has. This makes the encounter in the dungeon much more dangerous, but it's not impossible to take down. The one on Mt. Gelmir is far more manageable but may take longer to kill depending on players' build and current level.

The detailed Elden Ring PS4 is available here.

Tips for beating the Fallingstar Beast:

  • The most challenging part is the armor. Most of the body on the boss is covered in rock.
  • Its body can be hit, but for minimal damage. Only exposed parts like the face will deliver full damage.
  • The beast charges a lot and typically does so in spurts of three.
  • Gravity magic and lightning attacks are also constantly used. These can be avoided easily on a mount, but much less so in an enclosed space.
  • Players should keep their space when the boss charges up.
  • Magic resistance and lightning resistance may help in the fight.

If players experience too much difficulty in the fight, there is an option to skip the Mt. Gelmir fight. Both are optional, but the dungeon one cannot be skipped for completion.

Skipping the Full-grown Fallingstar Beast in Elden Ring


If players run into the bigger version of the beast at Mt. Gelmir, the fight can be skipped for the time being. The first step is to make it up to the boss arena that takes place in a massive crater.

Once there, a path behind the boss leads to the other side of the crater, and players should use their mount to make the jump. This will connect to the Volcano Manor section of the map and open up a new area in Elden Ring.

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